Largest Vocational Programs

The largest vocational programs at Central Texas Beauty College-Round Rock is and the 2024 tuition and fees is $8,650. ). The length of the program is 1,000 contact hours ( or credit hours) and the average time to complete the program is 9 months.
The following table shows the 2 largest vocational programs with tuition, fees, and completion time at Central Texas Beauty College-Round Rock.
Tuition & Completion Time for 2 Largest Career Programs
ProgramTuition & FeesBooks & SuppliesProgram LengthAverage Completion Time National Average Tuition

Important Academic Statistics

Total 93 students attended Central Texas Beauty College-Round Rock in the academic year 2023-2024. The students to faculty ratio is 25 to 1.
The graduation rate of Central Texas Beauty College-Round Rock is 71% and transfer-out rate is 4%. The retention rate is 69% at the school.
Key Academic Statistics
Student Population93
Graduation Rate71%
Student to Faculty Ratio25 to 1

2024 Costs of Attendance

The 2024 tuition & fees of Central Texas Beauty College-Round Rock is $8,650 . The amount is for the largest program and the tuition of other programs may differ from it. It offers the alternative tuition plans.
64% of enrolled students have received grants and/or scholarships and the average amount of received financial aid is $4,460 (exclude student loans).
2024Tuition, Books & Supplies, and Living Costs
Tuition & Fees$8,650
Books & Supplies$1,200
Off-Campus Room & Board$5,440
Off-Campus Expenses$935
Average Financial Amount$4,460

Enrollment Statistics

For academic year 2022-2023, total 106 students have enrolled into Central Texas Beauty College-Round Rock. By gender, 9 male and 97 female students are attending the school.
There are 29 White (27.36%), 17 Black/African American (16.04%), 50 Hispanic (47.17%), 1 Asian (0.94%), and 58 students with other races. 1 students are enrolled with non-resident alien status.
Student Population By Race/ethnicity
American Indian/Native American000
Black/African American17116
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander101
Two More303
Non-resident Alien101

Directory Information

Similar Schools to Central Texas Beauty College-Round Rock

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