Comparison Between Colleges near Charles Town, West Virginia

The following table lists 2 colleges located in Charles Town and 14 schools near Charles Town, West Virginia ordered by distance from Charles Town. The "-" value in other columns means that the corresponding data has not been reported or the school does not have programs for the values.
You can sort the table by column by clicking/touching column titles. The colleges in light blue rows are located in the city limit and other schools are not located in, but near the city.
All SchoolsPublicPrivate4 Years CollegeCommunity CollegesTechnical Colleges
College NameDistance From Charles TownUndergraduate Tuition & FeesPopulationGraduation RateStudent to Faculty RatioGraduate Tuition & FeesAverage Financial Aid
Catholic Distance University
Charles Town, WV
Private, 4 years
0.91 miles$9,600168-3 to 1$9,900$5,754
American Public University System
Charles Town, WV
Private, 4 years
0.94 miles$8,40048,66855%24 to 1$8,160$1,738
Shepherd University
Shepherdstown, WV
Public, 4 years
11.41 miles$19,0823,23547%15 to 1$13,176$9,290
Patrick Henry College
Purcellville, VA
Private, 4 years
13.17 miles$28,42540964%15 to 1-$13,891
Blue Ridge Community and Technical College
Martinsburg, WV
Public, 2-4 years
13.37 miles$7,8484,24735%13 to 1-$3,199
International Beauty School 4
Martinsburg, WV
Private, 2-4 years
13.72 miles$25,0007985%18 to 1-$6,098
Valley College-Martinsburg
Martinsburg, WV
Private, 4 years
15.56 miles$15,99561568%24 to 1-$11,990
Martinsburg College
Martinsburg, WV
Private, 4 years
15.58 miles$11,0912,50551%56 to 1-$4,841
Shenandoah University
Winchester, VA
Private, 4 years
17.42 miles$36,0284,26062%11 to 1$24,646$22,883
James Rumsey Technical Institute
Martinsburg, WV
Public, Less than 2 years
18.90 miles$6,05510183%16 to 1-$4,917
Hood College
Frederick, MD
Private, 4 years
25.82 miles$45,8702,05661%11 to 1$9,280$32,052
The Temple-A Paul Mitchell Partner School
Frederick, MD
Private, Less than 2 years
26.04 miles$20,94016964%11 to 1-$5,160
Award Beauty School
Hagerstown, MD
Private, Less than 2 years
26.44 miles$24,00014752%20 to 1-$2,458
Hagerstown Community College
Hagerstown, MD
Public, 2-4 years
26.78 miles$8,1903,50434%16 to 1-$2,892
Frederick Community College
Frederick, MD
Public, 2-4 years
26.80 miles$9,8445,81133%16 to 1-$4,782
Laurel Ridge Community College
Middletown, VA
Public, 2-4 years
27.24 miles$10,9315,72040%25 to 1-$3,782
Average-$9,00048,83655%14 to 1$9,030$3,746