Comparison Between Colleges near Wentworth, North Carolina

The following table lists 1 college located in Wentworth and 16 school near Wentworth, North Carolina ordered by distance from Wentworth. The "-" value in other columns means that the corresponding data has not been reported or the school does not have programs for the values.
You can sort the table by column by clicking/touching column titles. The colleges in light blue rows are located in the city limit and other schools are not located in, but near the city.
All SchoolsPublicPrivate4 Years CollegeCommunity CollegesTechnical Colleges
College NameDistance From WentworthUndergraduate Tuition & FeesPopulationGraduation RateStudent to Faculty RatioAverage Financial Aid
Rockingham Community College
Wentworth, NC
Public, 2-4 years
0.45 miles$6,5741,71222%14 to 1$5,713
Guilford College
Greensboro, NC
Private, 4 years
21.92 miles$41,1401,16749%12 to 1$29,237
North Carolina A & T State University
Greensboro, NC
Public, 4 years
22.07 miles$20,40813,48756%19 to 1$9,567
Greensboro College
Greensboro, NC
Private, 4 years
22.33 miles$20,40082640%10 to 1$13,819
Bennett College
Greensboro, NC
Private, 4 years
22.46 miles$19,14016819%6 to 1$18,069
Danville Community College
Danville, VA
Public, 2-4 years
22.51 miles$10,8512,27442%20 to 1$6,515
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Greensboro, NC
Public, 4 years
22.59 miles$23,33917,97857%17 to 1$8,339
Averett University
Danville, VA
Private, 4 years
22.76 miles$38,5501,36345%12 to 1$22,440
Sovah School of Health Professions
Danville, VA
Private, 2-4 years
23.15 miles$15,72523-5 to 1$6,894
Leons Beauty School Inc
Greensboro, NC
Private, Less than 2 years
23.43 miles$8,30010564%15 to 1$5,201
Elon University
Elon, NC
Private, 4 years
24.20 miles$44,5367,12383%11 to 1$15,222
Strayer University-North Carolina
Greensboro, NC
Private, 4 years
24.62 miles$13,9203,07428%41 to 1$6,063
Patrick & Henry Community College
Martinsville, VA
Public, 2-4 years
24.88 miles$10,8611,86141%18 to 1$4,565
Health And Style Institute
Greensboro, NC
Private, 2-4 years
24.97 miles$14,5451,14237%20 to 1$4,581
Empire Beauty School-West Greensboro
Greensboro, NC
Private, Less than 2 years
25.01 miles$19,26010427%22 to 1$5,104
South University-High Point
High Point, NC
Private, 4 years
27.02 miles$20,5565112%13 to 1$5,465
Guilford Technical Community College
Jamestown, NC
Public, 2-4 years
28.78 miles$7,69510,06727%17 to 1$3,703
Average-$6,5741,71222%14 to 1$5,713