Comparison Between Colleges near Auburn, New York

The following table lists 2 colleges located in Auburn and 17 schools near Auburn, New York ordered by distance from Auburn. The "-" value in other columns means that the corresponding data has not been reported or the school does not have programs for the values.
You can sort the table by column by clicking/touching column titles. The colleges in light blue rows are located in the city limit and other schools are not located in, but near the city.
All SchoolsPublicPrivate4 Years CollegeCommunity CollegesTechnical Colleges
College NameDistance From AuburnUndergraduate Tuition & FeesPopulationGraduation RateStudent to Faculty RatioAcceptance Rate
Cayuga Onondaga BOCES-Practical Nursing Program
Auburn, NY
Public, Less than 2 years
1.14 miles$13,3352950%9 to 131.3%
Cayuga County Community College
Auburn, NY
Public, 2-4 years
1.46 miles$11,5983,47925%22 to 1-
Northeast College of Health Sciences
Seneca Falls, NY
Private, 4 years
9.64 miles-551---
Wells College
Aurora, NY
Private, 4 years
14.70 miles$35,16635750%8 to 169.7%
Onondaga Community College
Syracuse, NY
Public, 2-4 years
19.41 miles$11,3327,32024%16 to 1-
Marion S Whelan School of Nursing of Geneva General Hospital
Geneva, NY
Private, Less than 2 years
21.62 miles$11,5609-2 to 1100.0%
Finger Lakes Health College of Nursing & Health Sciences
Geneva, NY
Private, 2-4 years
21.62 miles$12,82098-6 to 1-
Hobart William Smith Colleges
Geneva, NY
Private, 4 years
21.77 miles$63,2681,60773%8 to 157.3%
Bryant & Stratton College-Syracuse North
Liverpool, NY
Private, 4 years
22.66 miles$19,60046334%16 to 1-
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Syracuse, NY
Public, 4 years
22.84 miles$21,0361,97671%13 to 182.9%
St. Joseph's College of Nursing
Syracuse, NY
Private, 2-4 years
22.85 miles$23,321239100%13 to 145.5%
Onondaga Cortland Madison BOCES
Liverpool, NY
Public, Less than 2 years
22.88 miles$14,82438483%19 to 1-
Upstate Medical University
Syracuse, NY
Public, 4 years
22.93 miles$17,9931,431-8 to 1-
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY
Private, 4 years
23.10 miles$63,06122,69883%15 to 141.7%
National Tractor Trailer School Inc-Liverpool
Liverpool, NY
Private, Less than 2 years
23.75 miles$10,97518989%9 to 1-
Continental School of Beauty Culture-Mattydale
Mattydale, NY
Private, Less than 2 years
24.40 miles$9,00016669%20 to 1-
Le Moyne College
Syracuse, NY
Private, 4 years
25.46 miles$38,9703,20372%12 to 175.3%
Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES-Practical Nursing Program
Newark, NY
Public, Less than 2 years
26.96 miles$18,5008360%21 to 1-
Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital
East Syracuse, NY
Private, 2-4 years
28.38 miles$17,52821563%9 to 140.0%
Average-$12,4673,50838%16 to 131.3%