2024 Indiana Colleges Comparison
In Indiana, 101 colleges are active and serve higher education to students. By school type, there are 16 public schools and 85 private schools. By school level, 59 4-years (or high) schools, 10 2-4 years schools (community colleges), and 32 less than 2 years schools (career, technical or vocational schools) are active this year based on the IPEDS data.
The average undergraduate tuition & fees at Indiana colleges is $21,521 for state residents and $23,554 for out-of-state students in 2024. The graduate tuition & fee is $15,608 for state residents and $20,593 for out-of-state students. A total of 4,477 students enrolled in Indiana colleges including 3,734 undergraduate and 1,911 graduate students.
Most Compared Indiana Colleges
The following Indiana college pairs are frequently compared by users. You can compare the schools by their most important academic factors such as acceptance rate and tuition.
2024 Statistics for Indiana Colleges
Of the 101 Indiana schools, University of Notre Dame ranked first and Purdue University-Main Campus ranked second (view more at Indiana college rankings).
The 2024 average tuition & fees of all Indiana colleges is $21,521 for Indiana residents and $23,554 for out-of-state students. The average acceptance rate is 77.62% and the average SAT score is 1,148. The average number of students is 4,477 and the average student to faculty ratio is 15 to 1.
The below statements summarize the average statistics of tuition, admission, and more academic factors for Indiana colleges. For the statistics, we include only 4-years colleges such as national universities and liberal arts colleges.
In addition, for some statistics, we include only eligible colleges, for example, for the graduate tuition & fees over colleges that offer the graduate programs.
- The average undergraduate tuition & fees of Indiana colleges are $23,554 and University of Notre Dame has the highest tuition & fees of $62,693 and Union Bible College has the lowest tuition & fees of $6,230.
- The average graduate tuition & fees of Indiana colleges are $20,593 and University of Notre Dame has the highest tuition & fees of $62,502 and American College of Education has the lowest tuition & fees of $6,600.
- The average SAT score of Indiana colleges is 1,148 and University of Notre Dame has the highest SAT score of 1,500 and Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College has the lowest score of 970.
- The average acceptance rate of Indiana colleges is 77.62% and University of Notre Dame has the tightest (lowest) rate of 12% and John Patrick University of Health and Applied Sciences has the loosest (lowest) rate of 100%.
- The average student population of Indiana colleges is 4,477 and Purdue University-Main Campus has the most students of 52,905 and Bethany Theological Seminary has the fewest students of 66.
- The average graduation rate of Indiana colleges is 57.84% and Trine University-Regional/Non-Traditional Campuses has the highest rate of 100% and Holy Cross College has the lowest rate of 29%.
Indiana Colleges Core Statistics Comparison
The following table lists colleges located in Indiana ordered by college ranking. The ranking is targeting only 4-years universities and colleges. The "-" value in other columns means that the corresponding data has not been reported or the school does not have programs for the values.
You can sort the table by column by clicking/touching column titles and narrow down the college list by using the buttons below.
College Name | Undergraduate Tuition & Fees | Graduate Tuition & Fees | SAT Score | Acceptance Rate | Population | Graduation Rate | Student to Faculty Ratio |
University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $62,693 | $62,502 | 1,500 | 12.4% | 13,174 | 97% | 9 to 1 |
Purdue University-Main Campus West Lafayette, IN Public, 4 years four-years | $28,794 | $28,794 | 1,320 | 50.3% | 52,905 | 83% | 14 to 1 |
DePauw University Greencastle, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $57,070 | - | 1,280 | 54.1% | 1,819 | 80% | 10 to 1 |
University of Evansville Evansville, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $42,676 | $29,206 | - | 77.7% | 2,109 | 71% | 10 to 1 |
Ball State University Muncie, IN Public, 4 years four-years | $28,766 | $29,196 | 1,160 | 71.6% | 20,440 | 63% | 15 to 1 |
Indiana University-Bloomington Bloomington, IN Public, 4 years four-years | $40,482 | $33,410 | 1,280 | 80.4% | 47,527 | 81% | 18 to 1 |
Earlham College Richmond, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $51,840 | $20,651 | 1,250 | 74.2% | 696 | 68% | 7 to 1 |
University of Southern Indiana Evansville, IN Public, 4 years four-years | $22,058 | $20,904 | 1,120 | 94.7% | 9,282 | 52% | 14 to 1 |
Indiana University-Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN Public, 4 years four-years | $33,717 | $27,992 | 1,140 | 81.4% | 25,497 | 54% | 14 to 1 |
Indiana Wesleyan University-Marion Marion, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $31,168 | $11,970 | 1,070 | 82.2% | 2,207 | 66% | 12 to 1 |
Hanover College Hanover, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $41,983 | - | 1,170 | 84.0% | 1,157 | 64% | 11 to 1 |
Purdue University Northwest Hammond, IN Public, 4 years four-years | $14,933 | $11,585 | 1,030 | 70.6% | 8,679 | 44% | 17 to 1 |
University of Saint Francis-Fort Wayne Fort Wayne, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $35,420 | $20,646 | 1,030 | 97.6% | 1,852 | 61% | 11 to 1 |
Indiana University-South Bend South Bend, IN Public, 4 years four-years | $22,043 | $19,575 | 1,070 | 86.0% | 4,446 | 36% | 14 to 1 |
Saint Mary's College Notre Dame, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $51,430 | $29,794 | 1,200 | 81.1% | 1,518 | 77% | 8 to 1 |
Purdue University Fort Wayne Fort Wayne, IN Public, 4 years four-years | $22,220 | $15,497 | 1,070 | 85.7% | 8,874 | 32% | 13 to 1 |
Indiana University-Northwest Gary, IN Public, 4 years four-years | $22,043 | $19,575 | 1,060 | 76.7% | 3,045 | 37% | 14 to 1 |
Bethel University Mishawaka, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $33,320 | $9,310 | 1,070 | 98.7% | 1,222 | 57% | 12 to 1 |
Valparaiso University Valparaiso, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $46,588 | $12,764 | 1,200 | 92.2% | 2,846 | 67% | 11 to 1 |
Butler University Indianapolis, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $45,980 | $14,225 | 1,260 | 85.9% | 5,763 | 80% | 11 to 1 |
Indiana University-East Richmond, IN Public, 4 years four-years | $22,043 | $19,575 | 1,130 | 71.2% | 2,985 | 45% | 14 to 1 |
Wabash College Crawfordsville, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $49,125 | - | 1,200 | 62.8% | 845 | 77% | 9 to 1 |
University of Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $36,136 | $42,478 | - | 72.8% | 5,447 | 56% | 12 to 1 |
Indiana State University Terre Haute, IN Public, 4 years four-years | $21,734 | $16,210 | - | 91.5% | 8,304 | 41% | 17 to 1 |
Franklin College Franklin, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $37,350 | $39,864 | 1,110 | 70.6% | 966 | 63% | 12 to 1 |
Anderson University Anderson, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $35,640 | $10,204 | 1,055 | 53.4% | 1,255 | 49% | 10 to 1 |
Indiana University-Southeast New Albany, IN Public, 4 years four-years | $22,043 | $19,575 | 1,090 | 83.1% | 3,752 | 33% | 13 to 1 |
Holy Cross College Notre Dame, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $35,500 | - | 1,150 | 73.7% | 547 | 29% | 12 to 1 |
Marian University Indianapolis, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $39,100 | $20,569 | - | 95.3% | 3,586 | 61% | 13 to 1 |
Grace College and Theological Seminary Winona Lake, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $28,942 | $8,112 | 1,080 | 80.8% | 2,271 | 70% | 23 to 1 |
Calumet College of Saint Joseph Whiting, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $22,650 | $22,100 | - | - | 674 | 30% | 13 to 1 |
Martin University Indianapolis, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $12,830 | $9,740 | - | - | 223 | 33% | 11 to 1 |
Taylor Institute of Cosmetology II Knox, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $9,600 | - | - | - | 45 | 14% | 11 to 1 |
Rudae's School of Beauty Culture-Ft Wayne Fort Wayne, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $16,410 | - | - | - | 121 | 63% | 12 to 1 |
Christina and Company Education Center Lafayette, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $13,000 | - | - | - | 32 | 89% | 17 to 1 |
PJ's College of Cosmetology-Clarksville Clarksville, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $18,616 | - | - | - | 222 | 59% | 10 to 1 |
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Saint Mary of the Woods, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $32,640 | $14,100 | 970 | 76.1% | 1,227 | 52% | 9 to 1 |
Lil Lou's Beauty and Barber College Gary, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $17,700 | - | - | - | 40 | - | 14 to 1 |
Indiana University-Kokomo Kokomo, IN Public, 4 years four-years | $22,043 | $19,575 | 1,060 | 84.7% | 2,892 | 45% | 14 to 1 |
Vincennes Beauty College Vincennes, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $12,250 | - | - | - | 34 | 17% | 10 to 1 |
Kenny's Academy of Barbering Indianapolis, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $17,890 | - | - | - | 147 | 36% | 20 to 1 |
Summit Salon Academy Anderson, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $14,800 | - | - | - | 127 | 63% | 14 to 1 |
Christian Theological Seminary Indianapolis, IN Private, 4 years four-years | - | $12,990 | - | - | 144 | - | - |
Lincoln College of Technology-Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN Private, 2-4 years | $36,053 | - | - | - | 1,004 | 53% | 26 to 1 |
Ideal Beauty Academy Jeffersonville, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $16,600 | - | - | - | 2 | - | 7 to 1 |
Indiana Institute of Technology-College of Professional Studies Fort Wayne, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $9,900 | $7,725 | - | - | 2,535 | - | 13 to 1 |
Ivy Tech Community College Indianapolis, IN Public, 2-4 years | $9,465 | - | - | - | 100,077 | 37% | 25 to 1 |
Saint Meinrad School of Theology St. Meinrad, IN Private, 4 years four-years | - | $38,536 | - | - | 191 | - | - |
Ross Medical Education Center-Kokomo Kokomo, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $16,297 | - | - | - | 51 | 52% | 17 to 1 |
John Patrick University of Health and Applied Sciences South Bend, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $19,520 | $19,700 | - | 100.0% | 406 | - | 8 to 1 |
Goshen College Goshen, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $37,760 | $17,726 | 1,025 | 88.9% | 824 | 60% | 9 to 1 |
PJ's College of Cosmetology-Richmond Richmond, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $18,616 | - | - | - | 71 | 67% | 10 to 1 |
Empire Beauty School-Speedway Speedway, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $19,260 | - | - | - | 209 | 30% | 15 to 1 |
Paul Mitchell the School-Merrillville Merrillville, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $18,202 | - | - | - | 70 | 83% | 18 to 1 |
Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne, IN Private, 4 years four-years | - | $35,290 | - | - | 296 | - | - |
American College of Education Indianapolis, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $6,240 | $6,600 | - | - | 11,961 | - | 14 to 1 |
Taylor University Upland, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $39,104 | $10,833 | 1,200 | 76.1% | 2,398 | 77% | 14 to 1 |
Tricoci University of Beauty Culture LLC-Bloomington Bloomington, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $18,463 | - | - | - | 123 | 81% | 18 to 1 |
Purdue University Global West Lafayette, IN Public, 4 years four-years | $14,421 | $11,582 | - | - | 44,421 | 48% | 25 to 1 |
Rogers Academy of Hair Design Evansville, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $18,850 | - | - | - | 101 | 59% | 14 to 1 |
Ross Medical Education Center-Granger Granger, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $16,297 | - | - | - | 115 | 54% | 23 to 1 |
Ross Medical Education Center-Muncie Muncie, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $16,297 | - | - | - | 54 | 53% | 27 to 1 |
Ross Medical Education Center-Fort Wayne Fort Wayne, IN Private, 2-4 years | $16,297 | - | - | - | 124 | 54% | 31 to 1 |
Indiana Institute of Technology Fort Wayne, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $30,446 | $10,026 | - | 56.9% | 2,862 | 31% | 16 to 1 |
International Business College-Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN Private, 2-4 years | $16,480 | - | - | 81.8% | 145 | 69% | 16 to 1 |
Trine University-Regional/Non-Traditional Campuses Angola, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $9,576 | $10,350 | - | 21.6% | 8,230 | 100% | 8 to 1 |
Union Bible College Westfield, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $6,230 | - | - | 86.7% | 164 | 36% | 14 to 1 |
Summit Salon Academy-Kokomo Kokomo, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $15,900 | - | - | - | 103 | 59% | 15 to 1 |
Indiana Wellness College Carmel, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $14,665 | - | - | 60.3% | 154 | - | 15 to 1 |
Mid-America College of Funeral Service Jeffersonville, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $21,300 | - | - | - | 337 | 56% | 10 to 1 |
Aveda Fredric's Institute-Indianapolis Carmel, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $21,575 | - | - | - | 266 | 70% | 20 to 1 |
Tricoci University of Beauty Culture-Lafayette Lafayette, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $13,184 | - | - | - | 87 | 67% | 14 to 1 |
Aviation Institute of Maintenance-Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN Private, 2-4 years | $16,757 | - | - | - | 160 | 59% | 10 to 1 |
Caris College Jeffersonville, IN Private, 2-4 years | $15,370 | - | - | - | 189 | 63% | 10 to 1 |
Huntington University Huntington, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $29,982 | $9,060 | 1,120 | 71.2% | 1,504 | 68% | 10 to 1 |
Chamberlain University-Indiana Indianapolis, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $19,740 | - | - | 100.0% | 177 | 100% | 14 to 1 |
Vincennes University Vincennes, IN Public, 4 years four-years | $16,289 | - | - | - | 18,438 | 35% | 25 to 1 |
Indiana Wesleyan University-National & Global Marion, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $9,480 | $10,391 | - | - | 12,750 | 37% | 19 to 1 |
Oakland City University Oakland City, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $27,150 | $9,000 | - | 68.2% | 650 | 70% | 12 to 1 |
Fortis College-Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN Private, 2-4 years | $14,116 | - | - | - | 265 | 31% | 24 to 1 |
College of Court Reporting Inc Valparaiso, IN Private, 2-4 years | $10,080 | - | - | - | 191 | 25% | 15 to 1 |
Manchester University North Manchester, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $37,090 | $27,534 | - | 91.3% | 1,175 | 45% | 13 to 1 |
Denmark College Merrillville, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $19,500 | - | - | - | 178 | 79% | 18 to 1 |
Saint Elizabeth School of Nursing Lafayette, IN Private, 2-4 years | $20,064 | - | 1,020 | 100.0% | 131 | 50% | 8 to 1 |
Veritas Baptist College Lawrenceburg, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $8,992 | $7,452 | - | 100.0% | 200 | 29% | 4 to 1 |
Bethany Theological Seminary Richmond, IN Private, 4 years four-years | - | $12,150 | - | - | 66 | - | - |
Ross Medical Education Center-Lafayette Lafayette, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $16,297 | - | - | - | 77 | 48% | 26 to 1 |
Ravenscroft Beauty College Fort Wayne, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $16,850 | - | - | - | 114 | 60% | 15 to 1 |
The Salon Professional Academy-Evansville Evansville, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $18,450 | - | - | - | 169 | 82% | 20 to 1 |
Trine University Angola, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $35,600 | $48,150 | - | 84.7% | 4,471 | 68% | 18 to 1 |
Ross Medical Education Center-Evansville Evansville, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $16,297 | - | - | - | 68 | 52% | 17 to 1 |
Tricoci University of Beauty Culture-Highland Highland, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $13,184 | - | - | - | 317 | 65% | 20 to 1 |
MyComputerCareer at Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN Private, 2-4 years | $17,271 | - | - | - | 1,034 | 63% | 37 to 1 |
Tricoci University of Beauty Culture-Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $13,184 | - | - | - | 341 | - | 18 to 1 |
J Michael Harrold Beauty Academy Terre Haute, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $16,285 | - | - | - | 94 | 70% | 13 to 1 |
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Terre Haute, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $54,174 | $54,039 | 1,380 | 72.8% | 2,250 | 82% | 11 to 1 |
Paul Mitchell the School-Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $17,085 | - | - | - | 224 | 63% | 15 to 1 |
Textures Institute of Cosmetology Indianapolis, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $16,800 | - | - | - | 23 | 100% | 20 to 1 |
Don Roberts School of Hair Design Schererville, IN Private, Less than 2 years | $19,750 | - | - | - | 30 | 80% | 5 to 1 |
Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary Elkhart, IN Private, 4 years four-years | - | $16,688 | - | - | 147 | - | - |
Horizon University Indianapolis, IN Private, 4 years four-years | $9,840 | $14,700 | - | - | 66 | - | 7 to 1 |
Average | $23,554 | $20,593 | 1,148 | 77.6% | 4,477 | 58% | 15 to 1 |