Comparison Between Colleges near Hobe Sound, Florida

The following table lists 1 college located in Hobe Sound and 14 school near Hobe Sound, Florida ordered by distance from Hobe Sound. The "-" value in other columns means that the corresponding data has not been reported or the school does not have programs for the values.
You can sort the table by column by clicking/touching column titles. The colleges in light blue rows are located in the city limit and other schools are not located in, but near the city.
All SchoolsPublicPrivate4 Years CollegeCommunity CollegesTechnical Colleges
College NameDistance From Hobe SoundUndergraduate Tuition & FeesPopulationGraduation RateStudent to Faculty RatioGraduate Tuition & FeesAverage Financial Aid
Hobe Sound Bible College
Hobe Sound, FL
Private, 4 years
0.80 miles$9,06817031%6 to 1$7,950$5,700
Fortis Institute-Port Saint Lucie
Port Saint Lucie, FL
Private, 2-4 years
18.67 miles$14,08745855%21 to 1-$5,427
The Beauty Institute
West Palm Beach, FL
Private, Less than 2 years
25.16 miles$18,8052177%15 to 1-$6,895
Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations
West Palm Beach, FL
Private, 2-4 years
25.37 miles$43,32850666%27 to 1-$5,703
Florida Career College-West Palm Beach
West Palm Beach, FL
Private, 2-4 years
25.43 miles$21,50059752%16 to 1-$4,062
Empire Beauty School-West Palm
West Palm Beach, FL
Private, Less than 2 years
25.50 miles$16,3204646%11 to 1-$4,644
HCI College
West Palm Beach, FL
Private, 4 years
25.85 miles$19,196289-9 to 1-$9,210
Southeastern College-West Palm Beach
West Palm Beach, FL
Private, 4 years
25.88 miles$23,58460868%11 to 1-$6,181
Fort Pierce Beauty Academy
Fort Pierce, FL
Private, Less than 2 years
26.01 miles$20,8253192%8 to 1-$5,731
Palm Beach Atlantic University
West Palm Beach, FL
Private, 4 years
26.09 miles$37,9903,82856%11 to 1$12,977$20,990
South University-West Palm Beach
Royal Palm Beach, FL
Private, 4 years
26.58 miles$16,4525288%14 to 1$16,536$5,457
Ultrasound Medical Institute
Royal Palm Beach, FL
Private, 2-4 years
27.49 miles$49,81664100%10 to 1-$5,568
Indian River State College
Fort Pierce, FL
Public, 4 years
27.69 miles$10,20114,86246%27 to 1-$3,310
Latin Beauty Academy
greenacres, FL
Private, Less than 2 years
29.28 miles$6,58023478%25 to 1-$5,077
Hollywood Institute of Beauty Careers-West Palm Beach
West Palm Beach, FL
Private, Less than 2 years
29.74 miles$10,29628174%25 to 1-$3,688
Average-$9,06817031%6 to 1$7,950$5,700