Colleges near Boulder, Colorado
Boulder is a city in Colorado. According to Census data, the population is 124,345 (estimated). For the academic year 2023-2024, four colleges are active for serving college programs in Boulder, Colorado. In addition, there are 37 colleges located within 30 miles from Boulder.
By school type, there are one public and three private schools. By school level, there are two 4-years (or high) schools, one 2-4 years schools (community colleges), and one less than 2 years schools (career, technical, or vocational schools) based on the IPEDS data.
All Four schools offer undergraduate programs and two schools offer graduate programs. The 2024 average tuition & fees of the schools in Boulder, Colorado is $23,673 for Colorado residents and $31,140 for out-of-state students.
The average acceptance rate is 92.43% and the average SAT score is 1,330. A total of 49,576 students enrolled in schools in Boulder, Colorado, of which 12,020 students enrolled in online degree programs exclusively. The average student to faculty ratio is 27 to 1.
Comparison Between Colleges near Boulder, Colorado
The following table lists 4 colleges located in Boulder and 34 schools near Boulder, Colorado ordered by distance from Boulder. The "-" value in other columns means that the corresponding data has not been reported or the school does not have programs for the values.
You can sort the table by column by clicking/touching column titles. The colleges in light blue rows are located in the city limit and other schools are not located in, but near the city.
College Name | Distance From Boulder | Undergraduate Tuition & Fees | Population | Graduation Rate | Student to Faculty Ratio | Graduate Tuition & Fees | Acceptance Rate | SAT Score |
Naropa University Boulder, CO Private, 4 years four-years | 1.07 miles | $34,600 | 1,065 | 31% | 9 to 1 | $22,450 | 94.0% | - |
University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO Public, 4 years four-years | 1.49 miles | $41,943 | 39,585 | 74% | 18 to 1 | $38,020 | 83.3% | 1,330 |
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts-Boulder Boulder, CO Private, 2-4 years valid | 2.87 miles | $21,476 | 8,894 | 46% | 71 to 1 | - | - | - |
Dr. Ida Rolf Institute Boulder, CO Private, Less than 2 years valid | 3.87 miles | $26,541 | 32 | 100% | 10 to 1 | - | 100.0% | - |
Southwest Acupuncture College-Boulder Boulder, CO Private, 4 years four-years | 4.16 miles | - | 25 | - | - | $27,732 | - | - |
Institute of Taoist Education and Acupuncture Louisville, CO Private, 4 years four-years | 6.51 miles | - | 34 | - | - | $18,268 | - | - |
Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology Broomfield, CO Private, 2-4 years valid | 10.38 miles | $17,406 | 284 | 74% | 11 to 1 | - | - | - |
Front Range Community College Westminster, CO Public, 4 years four-years | 14.21 miles | $16,974 | 19,449 | 27% | 21 to 1 | - | - | - |
DeVry University-Colorado Westminster, CO Private, 4 years four-years | 14.82 miles | $15,032 | 52 | 25% | - | $17,552 | - | - |
Elevate Salon Institute-Westminster Westminster, CO Private, Less than 2 years valid | 14.98 miles | $11,400 | 108 | 80% | 15 to 1 | - | - | - |
Empire Beauty School-Thornton Thornton, CO Private, Less than 2 years valid | 18.04 miles | $19,350 | 81 | 62% | 13 to 1 | - | - | - |
Pima Medical Institute-Denver Denver, CO Private, 2-4 years valid | 18.82 miles | $17,158 | 802 | 62% | 21 to 1 | - | - | - |
Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO Public, 4 years four-years | 18.98 miles | $44,376 | 7,403 | 81% | 17 to 1 | $44,376 | 59.7% | 1,400 |
Regis University Denver, CO Private, 4 years four-years | 20.16 miles | $43,980 | 4,668 | 66% | 9 to 1 | $16,193 | 87.3% | - |
Colorado School of Trades Lakewood, CO Private, 2-4 years valid | 21.10 miles | $25,200 | 130 | 76% | 10 to 1 | - | 76.9% | - |
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design Lakewood, CO Private, 4 years four-years | 21.75 miles | $23,273 | 2,050 | 40% | 14 to 1 | $15,144 | - | - |
Red Rocks Community College Lakewood, CO Public, 4 years four-years | 21.76 miles | $16,947 | 6,470 | 38% | 22 to 1 | $13,553 | - | - |
National Institute for Medical Assistant Advancement (NIMAA) Denver, CO Private, Less than 2 years valid | 22.57 miles | $6,430 | 161 | 85% | 27 to 1 | - | 20.7% | - |
Colorado Christian University Lakewood, CO Private, 4 years four-years | 23.08 miles | $27,808 | 8,964 | 60% | 16 to 1 | $16,733 | - | - |
Denver College of Nursing Denver, CO Private, 4 years four-years | 23.25 miles | $19,860 | 1,084 | - | 16 to 1 | $9,586 | - | - |
Metropolitan State University of Denver Denver, CO Public, 4 years four-years | 23.43 miles | $29,503 | 16,995 | 28% | 16 to 1 | $12,714 | 99.1% | 1,010 |
Community College of Denver Denver, CO Public, 4 years four-years | 23.71 miles | $17,135 | 7,292 | 18% | 20 to 1 | - | - | - |
Paul Mitchell the School-Denver Lakewood, CO Private, Less than 2 years valid | 23.74 miles | $19,427 | 252 | 58% | 29 to 1 | - | - | - |
Colorado State University-System Office Denver, CO Public, 4 years four-years | 23.85 miles | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Emily Griffith Technical College Denver, CO Public, Less than 2 years valid | 23.94 miles | $11,537 | 5,313 | 87% | 11 to 1 | - | - | - |
University of Colorado System Office Denver, CO Public, 4 years four-years | 24.04 miles | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Colorado School of Healing Arts Lakewood, CO Private, Less than 2 years valid | 24.41 miles | $12,206 | 55 | 100% | 3 to 1 | - | - | - |
Aveda Institute-Denver Denver, CO Private, Less than 2 years valid | 24.43 miles | $21,150 | 341 | 78% | 21 to 1 | - | - | - |
Montessori Education Center of the Rockies Denver, CO Private, 4 years four-years | 24.43 miles | $8,800 | 45 | 83% | 15 to 1 | - | 80.0% | - |
Colorado Chinese Medicine University Denver, CO Private, 4 years four-years | 25.11 miles | - | 65 | - | - | $20,805 | - | - |
United Beauty College Denver, CO Private, Less than 2 years valid | 26.37 miles | $4,035 | 25 | 98% | 10 to 1 | - | - | - |
Lincoln College of Technology-Denver Denver, CO Private, 2-4 years valid | 27.15 miles | $36,101 | 1,155 | 65% | 27 to 1 | - | - | - |
Taft University System Denver, CO Private, 4 years four-years | 28.31 miles | $4,320 | 526 | - | 15 to 1 | $4,610 | - | - |
University of Denver Denver, CO Private, 4 years four-years | 28.48 miles | $59,340 | 13,734 | 77% | 8 to 1 | $58,347 | 71.2% | 1,320 |
Iliff School of Theology Denver, CO Private, 4 years four-years | 28.68 miles | - | 185 | - | - | $20,169 | - | - |
University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus Denver, CO Public, 4 years four-years | 29.30 miles | $28,209 | 23,744 | 43% | 17 to 1 | $26,047 | 77.8% | 1,100 |
Concorde Career College-Aurora Aurora, CO Private, 4 years four-years | 29.44 miles | $16,684 | 731 | 71% | 22 to 1 | - | 100.0% | - |
Empire Beauty School-Littleton Littleton, CO Private, Less than 2 years valid | 29.98 miles | $19,350 | 58 | 67% | 12 to 1 | - | - | - |
Average | - | $31,140 | 49,576 | 63% | 27 to 1 | $30,235 | 92.4% | 1,330 |