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Location: IL
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Charleston, IL | Public, 4 years
Eastern Illinois University
#42 in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$15,566 ($13,124 residents)
- Population8,857 (6,916 undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$10,243
- SAT Score1,010
- Acceptance Rate68%
PERU, IL | Private, Less than 2 years
Educators of Beauty College of Cosmetology-Peru
#IL in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$19,500
- Population28 (All undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$5,024
Rockford, IL | Private, Less than 2 years
Educators of Beauty College of Cosmetology-Rockford
#IL in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$19,500
- Population77 (All undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$5,044
Sterling, IL | Private, Less than 2 years
Educators of Beauty College of Cosmetology-Sterling
#IL in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$19,500
- Population39 (All undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$4,750
Elgin, IL | Public, 2-4 years
Elgin Community College
Best Community Colleges in IL, #IL in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$9,516 ($7,140 residents)
- Population8,910 (All undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$4,355
Elmhurst, IL | Private, 4 years
Elmhurst University
#17 in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$41,628 ($36,370 residents)
- Population3,731 (3,027 undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$25,425
- SAT Score1,090
- Acceptance Rate76%
Hanover Park, IL | Private, Less than 2 years
Empire Beauty School-Hanover Park
#IL in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$19,260
- Population58 (All undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$4,649
Stone Park, IL | Private, Less than 2 years
Empire Beauty School-Stone Park
#IL in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$19,260
- Population112 (All undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$5,634
Vernon Hills, IL | Private, Less than 2 years
Empire Beauty School-Vernon Hills
#IL in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$19,260
- Population47 (All undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$4,740