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Location: IL
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Elgin, IL | Private, 4 years
Judson University
#39 in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$30,910 ($29,434 residents)
- Population973 (798 undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$19,730
- SAT Score960
- Acceptance Rate63%
Kankakee, IL | Public, 2-4 years
Kankakee Community College
Best Community Colleges in IL, #IL in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$25,680 ($13,320 residents)
- Population2,333 (All undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$5,633
Centralia, IL | Public, 2-4 years
Kaskaskia College
Best Community Colleges in IL, #IL in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$12,570 ($7,770 residents)
- Population3,370 (All undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$4,849
Malta, IL | Public, 2-4 years
Kishwaukee College
Best Community Colleges in IL, #IL in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$13,800 ($9,390 residents)
- Population2,581 (All undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$4,365
Galesburg, IL | Private, 4 years
Knox College
#183 Liberal Arts Colleges, #34 in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$55,587 ($44,958 residents)
- Population1,058 (All undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$36,537
- SAT Score1,250
- Acceptance Rate71%
Lake Forest, IL | Private, 4 years
Lake Forest College
#140 Liberal Arts Colleges, #32 in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$54,202 ($45,548 residents)
- Population1,753 (1,727 undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$40,590
- SAT Score1,280
- Acceptance Rate59%
Lake Forest, IL | Private, 4 years
Lake Forest Graduate School of Management
#IL in Illinois
- Population295
Mattoon, IL | Public, 2-4 years
Lake Land College
Best Community Colleges in IL, #IL in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$13,906 ($8,104 residents)
- Population3,742 (All undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$3,705
Danville, IL | Private, 4 years
Lakeview College of Nursing
#IL in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$19,070 ($17,535 residents)
- Population116 (All undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$8,864
Chicago, IL | Private, Less than 2 years
Larry's Barber College
#IL in Illinois
- Tuition & Fees$16,190
- Population93 (All undergraduate)
- Financial Aid$6,354