West Virginia Best College Rankings
Marshall University ranked first and West Virginia Wesleyan College ranked second in West Virginia college rankings. The 2024 average tuition & fees of the West Virginia best colleges is $16,486 for West Virginia residents and $22,542 for out-of-state students. The average acceptance rate is 83.37% and the average SAT score is 1,003. The average number of student population is 8,003 and the average student to faculty ratio is 15 to 1.
Below statements summarize the average statistics of tuition, admission, and more academic factors for West Virginia best colleges. For the statistics, we only include 4 years colleges such as national universities and liberal arts colleges.
- The average undergraduate tuition & fees is $22,542 and Bethany College has the highest tuition & fees of $34,126 and American Public University System has the lowest tuition & fees of $8,400.
- The average graduate tuition & fees is $16,091 and West Virginia University has the highest tuition & fees of $28,260 and American Public University System has the lowest tuition & fees of $8,160.
- The average SAT score is 1,003 and West Virginia University has the highest SAT score of 1,120 and Concord University has the lowest score of 950.
- The average acceptance rate is 83.37% and Davis & Elkins College has the tightest (lowest) rate of 58% and Fairmont State University has the loosest (lowest) rate of 99%.
- The average student population is 8,003 and American Public University System has the most students of 50,187 and Bethany College has the fewest students of 671.
- The average graduation rate is 44.08% and West Virginia University has the highest rate of 61% and Salem University has the lowest rate of 27%.
West Virginia Best Colleges Comparison
The below table compares the 13 best colleges in West Virginia with important academic factors. You can sort the table by touching/clicking a column name that you want to sort.
Rank | College Name | Undergraduate Tuition & Fees | Graduate Tuition & Fees | SAT Score | Acceptance Rate | Population | Graduation Rate | Student to Faculty Ratio |
1 | Marshall University Huntington, WV | $20,294 | $22,024 | 1,020 | 96.5% | 11,027 | 49% | 15 to 1 |
2 | West Virginia Wesleyan College Buckhannon, WV | $33,494 | $10,476 | 1,020 | 95.1% | 991 | 49% | 13 to 1 |
3 | Fairmont State University Fairmont, WV | $18,372 | $20,860 | 965 | 99.2% | 3,307 | 48% | 12 to 1 |
4 | Bethany College Bethany, WV | $34,126 | $11,625 | - | 60.5% | 671 | 46% | 12 to 1 |
5 | Davis & Elkins College Elkins, WV | $31,270 | - | 985 | 58.2% | 683 | 37% | 11 to 1 |
6 | Wheeling University Wheeling, WV | $29,475 | $10,160 | - | 75.2% | 748 | 32% | 14 to 1 |
7 | Shepherd University Shepherdstown, WV | $19,082 | $13,176 | 1,010 | 95.7% | 3,318 | 49% | 16 to 1 |
8 | University of Charleston Charleston, WV | $21,610 | $17,100 | - | 64.5% | 2,758 | 46% | 15 to 1 |
9 | West Virginia University Morgantown, WV | $27,360 | $28,260 | 1,120 | 86.3% | 24,200 | 61% | 17 to 1 |
10 | American Public University System Charles Town, WV | $8,400 | $8,160 | - | - | 50,187 | 53% | 25 to 1 |
11 | Concord University Athens, WV | $20,600 | $17,630 | 950 | 89.7% | 1,798 | 42% | 15 to 1 |
12 | West Virginia State University Institute, WV | $15,219 | $21,547 | 955 | 96.4% | 3,458 | 34% | 12 to 1 |
13 | Salem University Salem, WV | $13,750 | $12,070 | - | - | 894 | 27% | 16 to 1 |
Average | $22,542 | $16,091 | 1,003 | 83.4% | 8,003 | 44% | 15 to 1 |
West Virginia Colleges by Ranking and School Type