Western Athletic Conference (WAC) Members Graduation Rate Comparison
The average graduation rate of Western Athletic Conference (WAC) schools is 50.4%. The graduation rate is calculated by number of completers by dividing number of candidates. The completers have completed their degree/certificate within 150% of normal time, for example within 6 years for 4-years BS degree program.
The average transfer-out rate is 18.0% and the average retention rate is 71.8% (full-time students) at WAC schools. The following list shows the colleges with the highest and lowest graduation rate and more relative statistics.
- Seattle University has the highest graduation rate of 74% and Chicago State University has the lowest graduation rate of 27% and .
- Chicago State University has the highest transfer-out rate of 30% and California State University-Bakersfield has the lowest transfer-out rate of 2% and .
- Seattle University has the highest retention rate of 82% and Chicago State University has the lowest retention rate of 55% and .
WAC Schools Graduation Rate Comparison
The following table compares graduation, transfer-out, and retention rate between WAC schools. The graduation rate is based on the number of completers who completed their program within 150% normal time (i.e. withing 6 years for 4 years B.S. degrees). The "-" value in column(s) means that the data has not been reported or available.
You can sort the table by any column by clicking/touching a column header.
College Name | Graduation Rate | Transfer-out Rate | Retention Rate (full-time) | Retention Rate (part-time) |
Grand Canyon University Phoenix, AZ Private, 4 years | 45% | - | 70% | 38 |
California Baptist University Riverside, CA Private, 4 years | 63% | 23% | 73% | 33 |
California State University-Bakersfield Bakersfield, CA Public, 4 years | 49% | 2% | 73% | 46 |
Chicago State University Chicago, IL Public, 4 years | 27% | 30% | 55% | 29 |
University of Missouri-Kansas City Kansas City, MO Public, 4 years | 55% | - | 77% | 23 |
New Mexico State University-Main Campus Las Cruces, NM Public, 4 years | 50% | - | 72% | 47 |
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Edinburg, TX Public, 4 years | 52% | 17% | 76% | 57 |
Utah Valley University Orem, UT Public, 4 years | 39% | 18% | 68% | 44 |
Seattle University Seattle, WA Private, 4 years | 74% | - | 82% | 60 |
Average | 50% | 18% | 72% | 42 |
More Comparison between Western Athletic Conference (WAC) Members