Occupational Therapy/Therapist Schools' 2024 Average Tuition
Number of SchoolsTuition & Fees
BS degree40 $33,643
Graduate Programs186 $23,777
Vocational Programs8 $108,135
In United States, 233 schools offer Occupational Therapy/Therapist programs. 40 schools offer BS degree programs and 186 schools offer masters's or doctorate degree programs in the Occupational Therapy/Therapist study area.
The 2024 average tuition & fees of the Occupational Therapy/Therapist program is $33,643 for undergraduate schools and $23,777 for graduate schools. The average annual age after completing Occupational Therapy/Therapist program is $83,852.

Average Income after Completing Occupational Therapy/Therapist Program

The annual average wage after completing Occupational Therapy/Therapist is $83,852 and hourly $34.18. This statistics is based on the employment and wage data (May 2019) from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Next table shows the possible occupation and job list with average income having Occupational Therapy/Therapist degree/certificate.
Average Income after completing Occupational Therapy/Therapist Program
Occupation/Job TitleHourly WageAnnul Wage
Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary$127,640
Engineers, All Other$53.50$111,280
Life Scientists, All Other$48.26$100,370
Physical Therapists$47.10$97,960
Occupational Therapists$44.61$92,800
Orthotists and Prosthetists$37.61$78,240
Therapists, All Other$34.55$71,860
Recreational Therapists$27.07$56,310
Exercise Physiologists$26.84$55,820
Medical Appliance Technicians$22.23$46,240

Colleges Offering Occupational Therapy/Therapist Program

Birmingham, AL
$21,864 Tuition & Fees21,639 Students$10,514 Financial Aid205 Programs18 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Montgomery, AL
$19,576 Tuition & Fees3,828 Students$10,199 Financial Aid61 Programs14 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Huntsville, AL
$21,838 Tuition & Fees1,470 Students$14,587 Financial Aid80 Programs11 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Mobile, AL
$18,652 Tuition & Fees13,438 Students$8,367 Financial Aid129 Programs16 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Tuskegee, AL
$23,440 Tuition & Fees2,570 Students$19,971 Financial Aid70 Programs7 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Flagstaff, AZ
$19,015 Tuition & Fees28,086 Students$12,292 Financial Aid288 Programs20 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Fayetteville, AR
$28,772 Tuition & Fees30,936 Students$8,739 Financial Aid261 Programs20 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Jonesboro, AR
$13,826 Tuition & Fees13,190 Students$8,829 Financial Aid198 Programs15 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Conway, AR
$17,258 Tuition & Fees9,913 Students$8,963 Financial Aid124 Programs14 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Carson, CA
$18,944 Tuition & Fees16,426 Students$10,764 Financial Aid95 Programs22 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio