Fashion/Apparel Design Program Comparison
In United States, 146 schools offer Fashion/Apparel Design programs. 79 schools offer BS degree programs and 12 schools offer masters's or doctorate degree programs in the Fashion/Apparel Design study area.
The 2024 average tuition & fees of the Fashion/Apparel Design program is $33,990 for undergraduate schools and $29,350 for graduate schools. The average annual age after completing Fashion/Apparel Design program is $91,156.
Average Income after Completing Fashion/Apparel Design Program
The annual average wage after completing Fashion/Apparel Design is $91,156 and hourly $29.90. This statistics is based on the employment and wage data (May 2019) from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Next table shows the possible occupation and job list with average income having Fashion/Apparel Design degree/certificate.
Occupation/Job Title | Hourly Wage | Annul Wage |
Art Directors | $59.76 | $124,310 |
Special Effects Artists and Animators | $53.43 | $111,130 |
Architecture Teachers, Postsecondary | $104,370 | |
Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary | $93,440 | |
Postsecondary Teachers, All Other | $91,760 | |
Fashion Designers | $41.23 | $85,760 |
Commercial and Industrial Designers | $39.30 | $81,740 |
Designers, All Other | $36.75 | $76,430 |
Artists and Related Workers, All Other | $35.64 | $74,130 |
Set and Exhibit Designers | $32.93 | $68,490 |
Colleges Offering Fashion/Apparel Design Program
Tempe, AZ
$32,193 Tuition & Fees80,065 Students$12,396 Financial Aid558 Programs19 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Mesa, AZ
$8,959 Tuition & Fees15,772 Students$3,459 Financial Aid247 Programs15 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Phoenix, AZ
$8,958 Tuition & Fees9,649 Students$2,976 Financial Aid209 Programs12 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Tucson, AZ
$7,686 Tuition & Fees15,293 Students$4,758 Financial Aid124 Programs19 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
San Francisco, CA
$28,024 Tuition & Fees6,786 Students$12,096 Financial Aid107 Programs15 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Alameda, CA
$8,684 Tuition & Fees5,673 Students$1,927 Financial Aid54 Programs30 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Sacramento, CA
$12,808 Tuition & Fees27,422 Students$3,750 Financial Aid214 Programs27 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
San Francisco, CA
$57,946 Tuition & Fees1,501 Students$25,076 Financial Aid33 Programs7 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Redwood City, CA
$9,508 Tuition & Fees5,388 Students$2,183 Financial Aid83 Programs22 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
$11,120 Tuition & Fees19,238 Students$2,588 Financial Aid195 Programs22 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio