Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician Program Comparison
In United States, 330 schools offer Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician programs. 60 schools offer BS degree programs and 2 schools offer masters's or doctorate degree programs in the Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician study area.
The 2024 average tuition & fees of the Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician program is $27,416 for undergraduate schools and $32,067 for graduate schools. The average annual age after completing Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician program is $97,747.
Average Income after Completing Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician Program
The annual average wage after completing Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician is $97,747 and hourly $40.86. This statistics is based on the employment and wage data (May 2019) from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Next table shows the possible occupation and job list with average income having Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician degree/certificate.
Occupation/Job Title | Hourly Wage | Annul Wage |
Medical Dosimetrists | $62.06 | $129,080 |
Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary | $127,640 | |
Physician Assistants | $60.23 | $125,270 |
Radiation Therapists | $47.28 | $98,340 |
Nuclear Technicians | $46.65 | $97,040 |
Nuclear Medicine Technologists | $43.08 | $89,610 |
Diagnostic Medical Sonographers | $40.58 | $84,410 |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologists | $39.20 | $81,530 |
Respiratory Therapists | $35.73 | $74,310 |
Radiologic Technologists and Technicians | $33.77 | $70,240 |
Colleges Offering Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician Program
Gadsden, AL
$7,080 Tuition & Fees4,728 Students$4,393 Financial Aid62 Programs17 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Hanceville, AL
$8,790 Tuition & Fees6,023 Students$3,355 Financial Aid80 Programs19 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Birmingham, AL
$8,790 Tuition & Fees3,153 Students$4,832 Financial Aid67 Programs16 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Andalusia, AL
$8,790 Tuition & Fees2,130 Students$3,832 Financial Aid31 Programs17 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Muscle Shoals, AL
$8,881 Tuition & Fees4,136 Students$3,215 Financial Aid53 Programs17 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Montgomery, AL
$8,700 Tuition & Fees1,907 Students$4,291 Financial Aid57 Programs16 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Anchorage, AK
$21,693 Tuition & Fees10,796 Students$6,244 Financial Aid177 Programs12 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Coolidge, AZ
$4,500 Tuition & Fees5,131 Students$3,233 Financial Aid159 Programs16 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Phoenix, AZ
$8,959 Tuition & Fees5,123 Students$2,890 Financial Aid165 Programs13 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Little Rock, AR
$16,506 Tuition & Fees3,275 Students$4,899 Financial Aid55 Programs15 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio