Advanced Legal Research/Studies Schools' 2024 Average Tuition
Number of SchoolsTuition & Fees
BS degree2 $45,727
Graduate Programs80 $34,122
Vocational Programs1 -
In United States, 85 schools offer Advanced Legal Research/Studies programs. 2 schools offer BS degree programs and 80 schools offer masters's or doctorate degree programs in the Advanced Legal Research/Studies study area.
The 2024 average tuition & fees of the Advanced Legal Research/Studies program is $45,727 for undergraduate schools and $34,122 for graduate schools. The average annual age after completing Advanced Legal Research/Studies program is $148,860.

Average Income after Completing Advanced Legal Research/Studies Program

The annual average wage after completing Advanced Legal Research/Studies is $148,860 and hourly $39.37. This statistics is based on the employment and wage data (May 2019) from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Next table shows the possible occupation and job list with average income having Advanced Legal Research/Studies degree/certificate.
Average Income after completing Advanced Legal Research/Studies Program
Occupation/Job TitleHourly WageAnnul Wage
Law Teachers, Postsecondary$133,950

Colleges Offering Advanced Legal Research/Studies Program

Birmingham, AL
$38,144 Tuition & Fees5,682 Students$21,420 Financial Aid143 Programs14 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Tempe, AZ
$32,193 Tuition & Fees80,065 Students$12,396 Financial Aid558 Programs19 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Tucson, AZ
$38,784 Tuition & Fees49,403 Students$14,289 Financial Aid554 Programs17 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
San Francisco, CA
1,193 Students5 Programs
Berkeley, CA
$45,627 Tuition & Fees45,307 Students$22,996 Financial Aid321 Programs19 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Los Angeles, CA
$44,524 Tuition & Fees46,430 Students$21,007 Financial Aid360 Programs18 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Orange, CA
$62,784 Tuition & Fees10,014 Students$29,947 Financial Aid113 Programs12 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Stockton, CA
$55,340 Tuition & Fees6,277 Students$36,268 Financial Aid121 Programs14 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Malibu, CA
$66,742 Tuition & Fees10,030 Students$35,221 Financial Aid98 Programs13 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
San Diego, CA
$56,444 Tuition & Fees8,815 Students$35,976 Financial Aid94 Programs13 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio