2025 Tuition & Fees

The 2024-2025 law school tuition at University of San Francisco School of Law is $52,660. The law school tuition has increased by 1.92% from last year. The 2023 undergraduate tuition & fees is $58,222. The graduate school tuition & fees other than law school is $29,140.
The average living costs including room & board, books, and other personal expenses is $26,128. This amount may not include health insurance fee and exam fees and varies by student's living setting.
University of San Francisco School of Law 2025 Tuition & Fees
Law School Tuition & Fees$52,660$54,250$55,290
Law School Living Expenses$25,400$28,450$28,450
Undergraduate Tuition$55,532$58,222$61,044a
Graduate Tuition$28,060$29,140$30,262a
General On-campus Living Costs$21,170$22,052$22,972a
General Off-campus Living Costs$21,170$22,988$24,982a
a The amount is not published yet by IPEDS. It is an estimated amount based on 2023 and 2024 rates.

LSAT Scores & GPA

The 2024 average LSAT score for University of San Francisco School of Law is 153. Compared to the average LSAT of all law schools, University of San Francisco School of Law's LSAT score is average (the average is 159).
The average GPA is 3.46, which is the lower of other law schools (average is 3.62).
University of San Francisco School of Law 2024 LSAT and GPA
75th Percentile157158156
50th Percentile155155153
25th Percentile153152151
75th Percentile3.63.643.67
50th Percentile3.333.423.46
25th Percentile3.013.043.09

Acceptance Rate & Yield

The 2024 acceptance rate at University of San Francisco School of Law is 55.2% where 1,874 applicants have applied to and 1,035 students have accepted to admit. The acceptance rate at University of San Francisco School of Law is much higher (very easy to get in) compared to other law schools in united states (the average acceptance rate is 41.6%).
The Yield, also known as enrollment rate, is 15.3% where 158 students finally enrolled out of 1,035 admitted students. The yield University of San Francisco School of Law is much lower (admitted, but not enrolled) compared to other law schools (the average yield is 41.6%).
University of San Francisco School of Law 2024 Acceptance Rate and Yield
Acceptance Rate46.9%46.4%55.2%

Law School Enrollment

For the academic year 2023-2024, total 612 law school students have enrolled to University of San Francisco School of Law. 404 students have enrolled in JD (Juris Doctor degree) program and 208 students enrolled in Non-JD program.
160 first-time students have enrolled in University of San Francisco School of Law. By gender, 63 male , 95 female, and 1 other/unknown gender first-time students newly enrolled in University of San Francisco School of Law. With 2 pre-admitted students, there are 160 first-time law school Students at University of San Francisco School of Law.
Total EnrollmentFirst-time Students
2024 Student Population at University of San Francisco School of Law
Total Enrollment574558612
JD Enrollment382353404
Non-JD Enrollment192205208
Non-JD Enrollment (Online)---
2024 First-year Student Population University of San Francisco School of Law
TotalFull timePart timeTotalFull timePart time
Total1351227 1601508
Men53504 69621
Women75723 95887
Other211 110

Bar Exam Pass Rate

For the first time bar exam takers at University of San Francisco School of Law, the bar exam pass rate is 58.06% - 124 students have taken and 72 students have passed the exam. The pass rate is lower than California average bar exam pass rate (72.34%).
2023 Bar Exam Pass Rate at University of San Francisco School of Law
Number of Graduates121107140
First-Time Bar Exam Takers Total99120124
New Graduates8998117
Prior Year Graduates10227
Early Exam Takers000
No Exam Takers32923
Exam Passer777972
Exam Pass Rate77.78%65.83%58.06%
California Pass Rate77.78%76.98%72.34%