Highest Law School Tuition & Fees
Columbia Law School (Columbia University in the City of New York) ranked first and New York University School of Law ranked second in 2024 Highest Law School Tuition & Fees rankings.
Below statements summarize the average statistics including law schools tuition and admission data for the top 10 Highest Law School Tuition & Fees. You can compare all law schools in one table with GAP, LSAT, admission, and tuition information at law school comparison page.
- The average law school tuition & fees is $52,416 and, among Highest Law School Tuition & Fees, Columbia Law School (Columbia University in the City of New York) has the highest tuition & fees of $84,820 and Harvard Law School has the lowest tuition & fees of $78,692.
- The average LSAT score is 159 and, among Highest Law School Tuition & Fees, Harvard Law School has the highest LSAT score of 174 and Gould School of Law (University of Southern California) has the lowest score of 169.
- The average acceptance rate is 41.58% and, among Highest Law School Tuition & Fees, University of Pennsylvania Law School has the tightest (lowest) rate of 10% and Cornell Law School has the loosest (highest) rate of 23%.
- The average law school population is 139,306 and, among Highest Law School Tuition & Fees, Georgetown University Law Center has the most students of 2,993 and University of Chicago Law School has the fewest students of 711.
- The average bar exam pass rate (for first-time exam takers) is 77.28% and, among Highest Law School Tuition & Fees, University of Chicago Law School has the highest rate of 97% and Gould School of Law (University of Southern California) has the lowest rate of 82%.
Highest Law School Tuition & Fees
Rank | College Name | Founded | Tuition & Fees | LSAT Score | GPA | Acceptance Rate | Student Population | Bar Pass Rate |
5 | Columbia Law School (Columbia University in the City of New York) New York, NY | 1858 | $84,820 | 173 | 3.90 | 11.8% | 1,714 | 95.4% |
9 | New York University School of Law New York, NY | 1835 | $83,152 | 172 | 3.91 | 16.7% | 2,058 | 96.6% |
20 | Gould School of Law (University of Southern California) Los Angeles, CA | 1896 | $81,940 | 169 | 3.91 | 12.4% | 1,421 | 82.4% |
15 | Cornell Law School Ithaca, NY | 1887 | $81,416 | 173 | 3.89 | 23.1% | 877 | 94.9% |
7 | University of Chicago Law School Chicago, IL | 1902 | $81,069 | 173 | 3.94 | 12.7% | 711 | 97.1% |
6 | University of Pennsylvania Law School Philadelphia, PA | 1850 | $80,592 | 172 | 3.93 | 10.0% | 1,009 | 96.3% |
10 | Georgetown University Law Center Washington, DC | 1870 | $79,672 | 171 | 3.92 | 20.1% | 2,993 | 90.5% |
11 | Berkeley School of Law (University of California-Berkeley) Berkeley, CA | 1894 | $78,881 | 170 | 3.87 | 17.3% | 1,306 | 88.2% |
13 | Duke University School of Law Durham, NC | 1904 | $78,774 | 170 | 3.89 | 13.9% | 846 | 94.4% |
2 | Harvard Law School Cambridge, MA | 1817 | $78,692 | 174 | 3.95 | 11.0% | 2,003 | 96.1% |
Average | - | $52,416 | 159 | 3.62 | 41.6% | 139,306 | 77.3% |