Best Public Law Schools
University of Virginia School of Law ranked first and University of Texas School of Law ranked second in 2024 Best Public Law Schools rankings.
Below statements summarize the average statistics including law schools tuition and admission data for the top 10 Best Public Law Schools. You can compare all law schools in one table with GAP, LSAT, admission, and tuition information at law school comparison page.
- The average law school tuition & fees is $52,416 and, among Best Public Law Schools, Berkeley School of Law (University of California-Berkeley) has the highest tuition & fees of $78,881 and Levin College of Law (University of Florida) has the lowest tuition & fees of $38,039.
- The average LSAT score is 159 and, among Best Public Law Schools, University of Virginia School of Law has the highest LSAT score of 172 and Texas A&M University School of Law has the lowest score of 168.
- The average acceptance rate is 41.58% and, among Best Public Law Schools, University of Michigan Law School has the tightest (lowest) rate of 12% and University of Minnesota Law School has the loosest (highest) rate of 35%.
- The average law school population is 139,306 and, among Best Public Law Schools, Texas A&M University School of Law has the most students of 2,043 and George Mason University School of Law has the fewest students of 635.
- The average bar exam pass rate (for first-time exam takers) is 77.28% and, among Best Public Law Schools, University of Michigan Law School has the highest rate of 97% and Levin College of Law (University of Florida) has the lowest rate of 82%.
Best Public Law Schools
Rank | College Name | Founded | Tuition & Fees | LSAT Score | GPA | Acceptance Rate | Student Population | Bar Pass Rate |
4 | University of Virginia School of Law Charlottesville, VA | 1826 | $77,700 | 172 | 3.96 | 13.9% | 957 | 96.5% |
16 | University of Texas School of Law Austin, TX | 1883 | $56,822 | 171 | 3.89 | 15.6% | 893 | 94.0% |
8 | University of Michigan Law School Ann Arbor, MI | 1859 | $72,584 | 171 | 3.86 | 11.9% | 1,036 | 97.3% |
14 | Los Angeles School of Law (University of California-Los Angeles) Los Angeles, CA | 1949 | $71,377 | 170 | 3.95 | 16.1% | 1,335 | 88.8% |
11 | Berkeley School of Law (University of California-Berkeley) Berkeley, CA | 1894 | $78,881 | 170 | 3.87 | 17.3% | 1,306 | 88.2% |
22 | University of Georgia School of Law Athens, GA | 1859 | $39,596 | 169 | 3.91 | 14.5% | 776 | 91.6% |
30 | Levin College of Law (University of Florida) Gainesville, FL | 1909 | $38,039 | 169 | 3.90 | 17.4% | 705 | 81.9% |
24 | University of Minnesota Law School Minneapolis, MN | 1888 | $60,878 | 169 | 3.88 | 34.9% | 681 | 89.6% |
34 | Texas A&M University School of Law Fort Worth, TX | 1992 | $48,682 | 168 | 3.97 | 13.5% | 2,043 | 93.0% |
25 | George Mason University School of Law Arlington, VA | 1972 | $42,798 | 168 | 3.92 | 14.6% | 635 | 87.4% |
Average | - | $52,416 | 159 | 3.62 | 41.6% | 139,306 | 77.3% |