Undergraduate Financial Aid by Type

The average amount of grants of scholarship aid is $4,663 and the average loan amount is $5,825. The average financial aid amount is 25.18% of tuition & fees based on out-of-state rate (tuition & fees: $18,516).
Number Receiving AidPercent Receiving AidTotal Amount of Aid ReceivedAverage Amount of Aid Received
Grant or scholarship aid7,550 77%$35,204,477$4,663
Pell Grants1,925 20%$8,457,044$4,393
Federal Students Loans4,288 43%$24,977,504$5,825

Undergraduate Student Financial Aid Comparison Chart

First-time (full-time) Undergraduate Students Financial Aid

For the full-time, first-time undergraduate students (freshmen, in most cases), 1,707 students have received one or more types of financial aid at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
The average amount of federal, state, local or institutional grant aid is $4,251 and the average amount of student loans awarded to full-time first-time undergraduate students is $7,354.
The following table shows the financial data by type of aid at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

First-time Undergraduate Financial Aid by Type

Number Receiving AidPercent Receiving AidTotal Amount of Aid ReceivedAverage Amount of Aid Received
Any Financial Aid1,79580%--
Grant or scholarship aid1,707 76%$7,256,729$4,251
Federal Grants1,424 64%$4,587,498$3,222
Pell Grants449 20%$1,994,029$4,441
Other Federal Grants1,423 64%$2,593,469$1,823
State/Local Grants454 20%$1,025,149$2,258
Institutional Grants966 43%$1,644,082$1,702
Student Loans1,127 50%$8,288,026$7,354
Federal Student Loans1,106 50%$5,534,300$5,004
Other Student Loans263 12%$2,753,726$10,470

Financial Aid by Income Level

The following table summarizes the number of schools receiving financial aid and its average amount by income levels at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
Income Level# of Students# of Students Receiving AidTotal Amount of Aid ReceivedAverage Amount of Aid Received
All Income Level--$3,384,337$4,043
0 - $30,00096 94$1,039,275$10,826
$30,001 - $48,00089 89$891,675$10,019
$48,001 - $75,000158 152$978,297$6,192
$75,001 - $110,000180 114$321,955$1,789
$110,001 - more314 81$153,135$488

Paid Tuition Rates by Residency

At University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, for the first-time/full-time students, 1,369 students have paid in-state rate of tuition and 864 students have paid out-of-state tuition rate.
# of Students
In-District Rate0
In-State Rate1,369
Out-of-State Rate864

Number of Students by Living Arrangement (Freshmen)

At University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 570 full-time/first-time students live on-campus such as dormitory and campus-owned apartments, and 42 students live off-campus. In addition, 60 students live with their family.
# of Students
Living On-Campus570
Living Off-Campus42
Living with Family60