University of Maine at Fort Kent
tuition & fees
graduate tuition & fees
acceptance rate
Student Population
online students
Number of Programs
Financial Aid Amount
Graduation Rate
University of Maine at Fort Kent is a Public, 4 years college located in Fort Kent, Maine.
It has a total enrollment of 1,406 including undergraduate and graduate students and student to faculty ratio is 19 to 1. It is a Baccalaureate College - Diverse Fields school by Carnegie Classification and its highest degree is Master's degree. UMFK's acceptance rate is 99.07% last year (undergraduate school).
University of Maine at Fort Kent is accredited by New England Commission of Higher Education.
School Overview
The following table shows the basic characteristic of University of Maine at Fort Kent and directory information. You may want to visit the school's website to check application deadlines, requirements, and financial information.
Contact Information | |
Address | 23 University Drive, Fort Kent, ME 04743-1292 |
Phone | 207-834-7500 |
WEB | |
Admission Information | |
Admission | |
Online Application | |
Financial Aid | |
Veterans Tuition | |
Athletic | |
Disability Service | |
School Category | |
School Type | Public, 4 years |
Carnegie Category | Baccalaureate College - Diverse Fields |
Highest Degree Offered | Master's degree |
Acceptance Rate and Admission Statistics
The acceptance rate of University of Maine at Fort Kent is 99.07% and the yield (also known as enrollment rate) is 13.30%.
Open Admission Policy | ✗ |
Acceptance Rate | 99.07 % |
Yield (Enrollment Rate) | 13.30 % |
Tuition & Fees
UMFK's 2024 tuition & fees is $9,045 for Maine residents and $14,325 for out-of-students. The undergraduate tuition increased by 7.61% compared to the last year's rate based on out-of-state rate ($13,312).
For graduate programs, its 2024 tuition & fees is $6,000 for Maine residents and $6,000 for out-of-students. The graduate tuition decreased by -55.80% compared to the last year's rate.
Maine Residents | Out-of-State | |
Undergraduate Tuition & Fees | $9,045 | $14,325 |
Graduate Tuition & Fees | $6,000 | $6,000 |
*Data Source: 2023-2024 Tuition & Fees - NCES (Last Update: 03/01/2024)
Student Population
A total of 1,406 students have enrolled for the academic year 2023-2024. Among them, 555 students have enrolled online exclusively to earn their degrees. UMFK has 1,357 undergraduate students and the graduate school has 49 students. You can check student population by gender, age, race/ethnicity, attending status, and online learning.
Total Students | 1,406 |
Undergraduate Students | 1,357 |
Graduate Students | 49 |
Online Enrollment | 555 |
Offered Degrees and On-Campus Services
UMFK offers 23 programs including both undergraduate and graduate programs. 1 out of the 23 programs are offerd via distace learning (online programs).
The following tables summarizes the offered programs, on-campus services, and special learning opportunities offered by UMFK
Number of programs | 23 Programs |
Number of online programs | 1 Programs |
Offered Degrees/Programs | Certificates of at least 12 weeks but less than 1 year 1 Year Certificate Associate Bachelor's Master's |
Academic/career counseling service | ✔ |
Employment services | ✔ |
Placement services for completers | ✔ |
On-campus day care for students | ✗ |
Distance Learning (online classes) | ✔ |
ROTC | ✗ |
Study Abroad | ✔ |
Weekend/Evening College | ✗ |
Teacher Certification | ✗ |