Outcomes at Louisville
Graduation Rate
Retention Rate
The graduation rate at University of Louisville is 62.16% last year which is extremely higher (most students completed in-time) compared to Public, 4-Years Colleges in Kentucky. 1,687 students have completed their degree/certificate programs among 2,714 candidates.
Compared to similar schools in college ranking, its graduation rate is average where the average graduation rate of the schools is 70.20%.
Graduation Rate and Comparison Chart
The following chart compares the graduation rate between University of Louisville and similar colleges.
Number of Completers and Graduation Rate
The next table summarizes the outcome measures with the number of students at University of Louisville. 1,687 students have completed. In addition, 94 students still enrolled and 933 students have left the school before completing their studies.
Total | Bachelor's or Equivalent | |
Total (Candidates) | 2,714 | 2,714 |
Completers | 1,687 (62.16%) | 1,687 |
Still Enrolled | 94 (3.46%) | 94 |
No Longer Enrolled | 933 (34.38%) | 933 |
Graduation Rate by Completion Time (Bachelor's Degree)
The below table shows the number of completers with graduation rate by completion time. The number in parenthesis denote the graduation rate for the corresponding students. The numbers and rate for the 125% and 150% normal times are not cumulative, but additional completers and graduate rate for that period. For example, 1,155 students have completed in 4 years and additional 425 students have completed in the 5th year.
Total | Men | Women | |
100% normal time (in 4 Years) | 1,155 (42.56%) |
508 (40.16%) |
647 (44.65%) |
125% normal time (in 5 Years) | 425 (15.66%) |
171 (13.52%) |
254 (17.53%) |
150% normal time (in 6 Years) | 107 (3.94%) |
55 (4.35%) |
52 (3.59%) |
Graduation Rate by Race/Ethnicity
Total | Men | Women | |
Total | 62.16% (1,687/2,714) | 58.02% (734/1,265) | 65.77% (953/1,449) |
Asian | 73.53% (75/102) | 69.39% (34/49) | 77.36% (41/53) |
Black (Non-Hispanic) | 61.94% (179/289) | 61.29% (57/93) | 62.24% (122/196) |
Hispanic | 50.88% (58/114) | 49.02% (25/51) | 52.38% (33/63) |
White | 62.90% (1,263/2,008) | 58.59% (573/978) | 66.99% (690/1,030) |
Two or More Race | 54.76% (92/168) | 46.58% (34/73) | 61.05% (58/95) |