Number of Programs with Completers

The following table summarizes the offered degrees and programs with number of programs and number of completers.
By degrees/certificates, 303 Bachelor's, 296 Master's, 14 Doctorate (research), and 13 Post-BS Certificate were awareded by Dallas.
Number of ProgramsNumber of Online ProgramsNumber of Completers
Doctorate (research)4014
Post-BS Certificate6013

Best Major Programs (Ranked in U.S. Colleges)

The following table shows the best programs at University of Dallas based on earning after completing the program by degree types.
Bachelor Program - Highest Earning After Graduation
Field of StudyMedian Earning after Graduation
Business Administration and Management$45,900
English Language and Literature$19,900
Master Program - Highest Earning After Graduation
Field of StudyMedian Earning after Graduation
Business Administration and Management$76,100

Popular Programs with Most Completers

The following table lists the popular programs at University of Dallas based on number of completers for each offered programs in 2023-2024.

Major Programs by Offered Degree

The follwing tabs shows all major programs offered at Dallas by awared level. You can check online avaiability, number of completers, and average earning after graduation for each major by expanding the major program.
Bachelor'sMaster'sDoctorate (Research)Post-Bachelor's
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Computer and Information Sciences 7 completers-
Computer Science7-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Education 10 completers-
Elementary Education and Teaching10-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics 12 completers-
Comparative Literature2-
German Language and Literature0-
French Language and Literature1-
Italian Language and Literature0-
Spanish Language and Literature4-
Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics5-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
English Language and Literature 35 completers$19,900
English Language and Literature35$19,900
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 completers-
Biology/Biological Sciences39-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Mathematics and Statistics 3 completers-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies 1 completers-
Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies (other)1-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Philosophy and Religious Studies 11 completers-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Theology and Religious Vocations 20 completers-
Theology/Theological Studies9-
Pre-Theology/Pre-Ministerial Studies9-
Pastoral Counseling and Specialized Ministries (other)2-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Physical Sciences 13 completers-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Psychology 23 completers-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Social Sciences 40 completers-
Economics (other)5-
Political Science and Government30-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Visual and Performing Arts 9 completers-
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts6-
Art History, Criticism and Conservation1-
Ceramic Arts and Ceramics1-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Business 61 completers-
Business Administration and Management61$45,900
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
History 15 completers-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Area, Ethnic, Cultural, Gender, and Group Studies 0 completers-
American/United States Studies/Civilization0-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Computer and Information Sciences (2 completers) 70 completers-
Computer and Information Systems Security/Information Assurance59-
Computer/Information Technology Services Administration and Management (other)11-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Education 4 completers-
Educational Administration and Supervision (other)0-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics 1 completers-
Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics1-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
English Language and Literature 7 completers-
English Language and Literature7-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Liberal Arts and Sciences, Humanities 22 completers-
Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies2-
Humanities/Humanistic Studies20-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Mathematics and Statistics 6 completers-
Financial Mathematics6-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies 0 completers-
Accounting and Computer Science0-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Philosophy and Religious Studies 7 completers-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Theology and Religious Vocations 19 completers-
Religious Education2-
Theology/Theological Studies13-
Pastoral Counseling and Specialized Ministries (other)4-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Psychology 2 completers-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Social Sciences 4 completers-
Political Science and Government4-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Visual and Performing Arts 6 completers-
Art/Art Studies0-
Ceramic Arts and Ceramics1-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Business 148 completers-
Business Administration and Management109$76,100
Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies0-
Finance and Financial Management Services (other)10-
Organizational Behavior Studies0-
International Business/Trade/Commerce0-
Management Information Systems0-
Information Resources Management0-
Management Science19-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
English Language and Literature 3 completers-
English Language and Literature3-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Philosophy and Religious Studies 1 completers-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Social Sciences 2 completers-
Political Science and Government2-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Business 8 completers-
Business Administration and Management8-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Education 13 completers-
Educational Administration and Supervision (other)3-
Education (other)10-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Theology and Religious Vocations 0 completers-
Theology/Theological Studies0-
Pre-Theology/Pre-Ministerial Studies0-
Pastoral Counseling and Specialized Ministries (other)0-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Business 0 completers-
Business Administration and Management0-