Enrollment Comparison Chart

The below chart compares the student population between Uintah Basin Technical College and similar colleges.

Enrollment by Gender/Attending Status

By gender, there are 856 male and 386 female students attending UBTech. The male-to-female student ratio is 2.22 to 1 and the ratio is than national average (the national average is 0.75 to 1).
The following table and chart show the student population by gender and attending status at UBTech.
Population by Gender/Attending Status at UBTech

Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity

By race/ethnicity, there are 1,002 White students (80.68%) and 134 Hispanic students (10.79%) at Uintah Basin Technical College(top 2 most races/ethnicities). The following table summarizes the population diversity by race at Uintah Basin Technical College.
Population by Race/Ethnicity at Uintah Basin Technical College
American Indian or Alaska Native805129
Black or African American541
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander312
Two or More Races981
Race/Ethnicity Unknown000
Total 1,242856386

Enrollment by Student Age

By age, there are 1,073 students whose age under twenty five and 139 students whose age is over thirty years old at Uintah Basin Technical College.
Especially, 927 students are younger than eighteen and 6 students are older than sixty five.
The following table and chart show the student population by student age at Uintah Basin Technical College.
Population by Student Age at Uintah Basin Technical College
Total1,242 856386
Under 18927 645282
18-1982 5824
20-2138 2612
22-2426 1610
25-2930 2010
30-3431 229
35-3930 1812
40-4947 389
50-6425 1015
65 and over6 33
Total 1,242 856386