Who Accredits The College of Saint Rose
Institutional Accreditation
Middle States Commission on Higher Education
Programmatic Accreditation
3 programs
Institutional Accreditation
The College of Saint Rose is accredited by Middle States Commission on Higher Education.
It has 3 programmatic accredited programs. You can check each accredited program below.
Accrediting Agency | Accreditation Status | Periods |
Middle States Commission on Higher Education | Accredited | 7/1/1928 - Current (Estimated Date) |
Programmatic Accreditation at The College of Saint Rose
Accreditor: National Association of Schools of Art and Design, Commission on Accreditation
Program | Accreditation Status | Periods |
Art and Design (ART) - Degree-granting schools and departments and non-degree-granting programs | Accredited | 9/1/1991 - 8/1/2014 (Estimated Date) |
Accreditor: National Association of Schools of Music, Commission on Accreditation
Program | Accreditation Status | Periods |
Music (MUS) - Institutions and units within institutions offering degree-granting and/or non-degree-granting programs | Accredited | 9/1/1997 - 8/1/2014 (Estimated Date) |
Accreditor: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology
Program | Accreditation Status | Periods |
Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) - Graduate degree programs | Accredited | 8/1/1992 - Current |
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