Who Accredits Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Shelbyville
Institutional Accreditation
Council on Occupational Education
6 Campuses
Institutional Accreditation
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Shelbyville is accredited by Council on Occupational Education.
In addition, 5 campuses of Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Shelbyville has additional institutional and/or programmatic accredited programs.
Accrediting Agency | Accreditation Status | Periods |
Council on Occupational Education | Accredited | 11/11/1972 - Current |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Shelbyville Campuses Accreditation
- Franklin County High School
- Middle Tennessee Education Center
- Tennessee College of Applied Technology - Shelbyville, Don Sunquist Center for Advanced Technologies
- Tennessee College of Applied Technology - Shelbyville, Adult Education Center
- Tennessee College of Applied Technology - Shelbyville, Franklin County Business Development Center