Who Accredits Southwest Virginia Community College at Virginia Highlands Community College
Institutional Accreditation
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges
Programmatic Accreditation
1 programs
parent institute
Institutional Accreditation
Southwest Virginia Community College at Virginia Highlands Community College is accredited by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges.
It has 1 programmatic accredited program. You can check each accredited program below.
Accrediting Agency | Accreditation Status | Periods |
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges | Accredited | 1/1/1972 - Current (Estimated Date) |
Southwest Virginia Community College at Virginia Highlands Community College is a child institute of Southwest Virginia Community College. You can check the parent and other campuses' accreditation information at Southwest Virginia Community College Accreditation page.
Programmatic Accreditation at Southwest Virginia Community College at Virginia Highlands Community College
Accreditor: American Occupational Therapy Association, Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education
Program | Accreditation Status | Periods |
Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) - Programs leading to an associate degree | Accredited | 8/1/2008 - Current (Estimated Date) |
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