Student Population

The total student population at Naval Postgraduate School is 2,670 and its population very small compared to Public, 4-Years Colleges in California.

Naval Postgraduate School 2,670

All U.S. Colleges 2,931

Public, 4-Years Colleges 11,396

4-Years Colleges 4,686

Public, 4-Years Colleges in California 20,004

Number of Programs

Naval Postgraduate School offers 92 programs and it means fewer area of study compared to Public, 4-Years Colleges in California.

Naval Postgraduate School 92

All U.S. Colleges 37

Public, 4-Years Colleges 108

4-Years Colleges 58

Public, 4-Years Colleges in California 120

Number of Online Programs

Naval Postgraduate School offers 11 online programs and it means very diverse online programs compared to Public, 4-Years Colleges in California.

Naval Postgraduate School 11

All U.S. Colleges 13

Public, 4-Years Colleges 17

4-Years Colleges 15

Public, 4-Years Colleges in California 7