Northeastern University Oakland was permanently closed and no longer accept new applications (closed year: 2022). Current students will be assisted with their personal higher education goals. In addition, transcript and other document services may be available through the online service on school website. Check and find available services at Northeastern University Oakland .
Below information is based on the IPEDS data for the latest active school year for Northeastern University Oakland.

About Northeastern University Oakland

Northeastern University Oakland was a Private, 4 years college located in Oakland, California.
It had a total enrollment of 658 including undergraduate and graduate students and student to faculty ratio was 14 to 1. It was a Master's College and University (medium programs) school by Carnegie Classification and its highest degree was Master's degree. The acceptance rate at Northeastern University Oakland was 16.54% (undergraduate school).
Northeastern University Oakland was accredited by WASC Senior College and University Commission.

Directory Information

Address5000 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA 94613
Online Application
Financial Aid
Net Price Calculator
Veterans Tuition
Disability Service
School TypePrivate, 4 years
Carnegie CategoryMaster's College and University (medium programs)
Highest Degree OfferedMaster's degree

Tuition & Fees

The tuition & fees at Northeastern University Oakland, for the latest active academic year was $63,949 for undergraduate students.. For graduate programs, the tuition & fees are $28,100.
Undergraduate Tuition & Fees$63,949
Graduate Tuition & Fees$28,100

Student Population

Northeastern University Oakland had a total enrollment of 658. Among them, 1 students have enrolled online exclusively to earn their degrees. Northeastern University Oakland had 542 students and the graduate school had 116 students.
Total Students658
Undergraduate Students542
Graduate Students116
Online Enrollment1