Institutional Accreditation

Johnson College is accredited by Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges.
It has 2 programmatic accredited programs. You can check each accredited program below.
Institutional Accreditation of Johnson College
Accrediting AgencyAccreditation StatusPeriods
Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and CollegesAccredited7/1/1979 - Current

Programmatic Accreditation at Johnson College

Accreditor: American Physical Therapy Association, Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education

ProgramAccreditation StatusPeriods
Physical Therapy (PTA) - Programs for the physical therapist assistantPre-Accredited6/1/2014 - Current

Accreditor: Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology

ProgramAccreditation StatusPeriods
Radiologic Technology (RAD) - Programs for radiographersAccredited1/1/2003 - Current