InterCoast Colleges-Santa Ana was permanently closed and no longer accept new applications (closed date: 09/15/2023). Current students will be assisted with their personal higher education goals. In addition, transcript and other document services may be available through the online service on school website. Check and find available services at InterCoast Colleges-Santa Ana .
Below information is based on the IPEDS data for the latest active school year for InterCoast Colleges-Santa Ana.

About InterCoast Colleges-Santa Ana

InterCoast Colleges-Santa Ana was a Private, Less than 2 years college located in Santa Ana, California.
It had a total enrollment of 2 (all undergraduate) and student to faculty ratio was 8 to 1. It was a Associate's - Private Not-for-profit 4-year Primarily Associate's school by Carnegie Classification and it was non-degree granting school.
InterCoast Colleges-Santa Ana was accredited by Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training.

Directory Information

Address1720 E. Garry Ave, Suite 103, Santa Ana, CA 92705
Net Price Calculator
Veterans Tuition
School TypePrivate, Less than 2 years
Carnegie CategoryAssociate's - Private Not-for-profit 4-year Primarily Associate's
Highest Degree OfferedUn-Known

Tuition & Fees

The tuition & fees at InterCoast Colleges-Santa Ana, for the latest active academic year was $22,500 for undergraduate students..
Undergraduate Tuition & Fees$22,500

Student Population

InterCoast Colleges-Santa Ana had a total enrollment of 2.
Total Students2
Undergraduate Students2