Enrollment Comparison Chart

The below chart compares the student population between IBMC College (Fort Collins, CO) and similar colleges.

Enrollment by Gender/Attending Status

By gender, there are 45 male and 339 female students attending IBMC. The male-to-female student ratio is 0.13 to 1 and the ratio is than national average (the national average is 0.75 to 1).
The following table and chart show the student population by gender and attending status at IBMC.
Population by Gender/Attending Status at IBMC

Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity

By race/ethnicity, there are 180 Hispanic students (46.88%) and 165 White students (42.97%) at IBMC College (Fort Collins, CO)(top 2 most races/ethnicities). The following table summarizes the population diversity by race at IBMC College (Fort Collins, CO).
Population by Race/Ethnicity at IBMC College (Fort Collins, CO)
American Indian or Alaska Native303
Black or African American431
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander202
Two or More Races22220
Race/Ethnicity Unknown000
Total 38445339

Online Student Population

At IBMC College (Fort Collins, CO), 134 students (34.90% of total enrollment) take online classes to get their degrees. The following tables describe the number of students who enrolled in one or more online courses.
By location of enrolled students, 0 students live in Colorado where IBMC College (Fort Collins, CO) is located in and 0 students have enrolled from other states.
Enrollment TypeStudent Location
Online Student Population
Number of Students
Enrolled Exclusively in Online Classes0
Enrolled Some in Online Classes134
Not Enrolled in Online Classes250
Online Student Population by Student Location
Number of Students
Total (Enrolled Excl.)0
Colorado Residents0
Other State in U.S.0
Outside of U.S.0