Hussian College-Daymar College Clarksville - Permanently Closed
Hussian College-Daymar College Clarksville was permanently closed and no longer accept new applications (closed date: 05/26/2023). Current students will be assisted with their personal higher education goals. In addition, transcript and other document services may be available through the online service on school website. Check and find available services at Hussian College-Daymar College Clarksville .
Below information is based on the IPEDS data for the latest active school year for Hussian College-Daymar College Clarksville.
About Hussian College-Daymar College Clarksville
Hussian College-Daymar College Clarksville was a Private, 4 years college located in Clarksville, Tennessee.
It had a total enrollment of 371 (all undergraduate) and student to faculty ratio was 20 to 1. It was a Baccalaureate/Associate's College school by Carnegie Classification and its highest degree was Bachelor's degree.
Hussian College-Daymar College Clarksville was accredited by Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools.
Directory Information
Address | 2691 Trenton Road, Clarksville, TN 37040 |
School Type | Private, 4 years |
Carnegie Category | Baccalaureate/Associate's College |
Highest Degree Offered | Bachelor's degree |
Tuition & Fees
The tuition & fees at Hussian College-Daymar College Clarksville, for the latest active academic year was $20,110 for undergraduate students..
Amounts | |
Undergraduate Tuition & Fees | $20,110 |
Student Population
Hussian College-Daymar College Clarksville had a total enrollment of 371. Among them, 307 students have enrolled online exclusively to earn their degrees.
Total Students | 371 |
Undergraduate Students | 371 |
Online Enrollment | 307 |