Casa Loma College-Los Angeles
tuition & fees
acceptance rate
Student Population
online students
Number of Programs
Financial Aid Amount
Graduation Rate
Casa Loma College-Los Angeles is a Private, 4 years college located in Sherman Oaks, California.
It has a total enrollment of 581 (all undergraduate) and student to faculty ratio is 19 to 1. It is a Associate's - Private For-profit school by Carnegie Classification and its highest degree is Bachelor's degree. Casa Loma College-Los Angeles's acceptance rate is 36.41% last year (undergraduate school).
Casa Loma College-Los Angeles is accredited by Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools.
School Overview
The following table shows the basic characteristic of Casa Loma College-Los Angeles and directory information. You may want to visit the school's website to check application deadlines, requirements, and financial information.
Contact Information | |
Address | 15301 Ventura Blvd. Suite D-100, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 |
Phone | 818-785-2726 |
WEB | |
Admission Information | |
Admission | |
Online Application | |
Financial Aid | |
Net Price Calculator | |
Disability Service | |
School Category | |
School Type | Private, 4 years |
Carnegie Category | Associate's - Private For-profit |
Highest Degree Offered | Bachelor's degree |
Acceptance Rate and Admission Statistics
The acceptance rate of Casa Loma College-Los Angeles is 36.41% and the yield (also known as enrollment rate) is 100.00%. The application fees are $100 for undergraduate programs and -$1 for graduate programs.
Open Admission Policy | ✗ |
Acceptance Rate | 36.41 % |
Yield (Enrollment Rate) | 100.00 % |
Undergraduate Application Fees | $100 |
Graduate Application Fees | -$1 |
Tuition & Fees
Casa Loma College-Los Angeles's 2024 tuition & fees is $42,556 for undergraduate students. The undergraduate tuition increased by 3.36% compared to the last year's rate ($41,172).
Amounts | |
Undergraduate Tuition & Fees | $42,556 |
*Data Source: 2023-2024 Tuition & Fees - NCES (Last Update: 03/01/2024)
Student Population
A total of 581 students have enrolled for the academic year 2023-2024. Among them, 10 students have enrolled online exclusively to earn their degrees. You can check student population by gender, age, race/ethnicity, attending status, and online learning.
Total Students | 581 |
Undergraduate Students | 581 |
Online Enrollment | 10 |
Offered Degrees and On-Campus Services
Casa Loma College-Los Angeles offers 6 programs (all undergraduate). 2 out of the 6 programs are offerd via distace learning (online programs).
The following tables summarizes the offered programs, on-campus services, and special learning opportunities offered by Casa Loma College-Los Angeles
Number of programs | 6 Programs |
Number of online programs | 2 Programs |
Offered Degrees/Programs | 2 Year Certificate Associate Bachelor's |
Academic/career counseling service | ✔ |
Employment services | ✗ |
Placement services for completers | ✔ |
On-campus day care for students | ✗ |
Distance Learning (online classes) | ✔ |
ROTC | ✗ |
Study Abroad | ✗ |
Weekend/Evening College | ✔ |
Teacher Certification | ✗ |