Historically Black Colleges And Universities
Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are institutions of higher education in the United States that were established before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the intention of primarily serving the African-American community (wiki).
102 Historically black colleges and universities are active for the academic year 2023-2024. Of them, Morehouse College ranked first in HBCUs ranking and Tuskegee University ranked second. For the ranking, we include HBCUs that ranked in top 1,000 U.S. colleges and universities including all types of 4 year-colleges.
- Total 102 Historically black colleges and universities - 52 public and 50 private schools. Of them, 91 schools are 4 years colleges/universities and 11 schools are community colleges (2-4 years colleges).
- The average tuition & fees of HBCUs is $15,769. Howard University has the highest tuition & fees of $33,344 and Coahoma Community College has the lowest tuition & fees of $3,490.
- The average SAT score of HBCUs is 986. Fisk University has the highest SAT score of 1,330 and Fort Valley State University has the lowest SAT score of 820.
- The average acceptance rate of HBCUs is 66%. Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University has the tightest (lowest) acceptance rate of 21% and Bethune-Cookman University has the highest acceptance rate of 100%.
- The average student population at HBCUs is 2,919. St Philip's College is the largest HBCU with 14,281 students American Baptist College is the smallest HBCU with 48 students.
Data source: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)
Historically Black Colleges And Universities Comparison
Below table lists all Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) sorted by ranking. The unranked schools ("-" values in ranking column) means that there is not enough data for ranking and/or not qualified for ranking. You can narrow down the HBCUs by school types and levels by using buttons below.
Rank | College Name | Undergraduate Tuition & Fees | Graduate Tuition & Fees | SAT Score | Acceptance Rate | Population | Graduation Rate | Student to Faculty Ratio |
1 | Morehouse College Atlanta, GA Private, 4 years four-years | $31,725 | - | - | 51.4% | 2,738 | 53% | 13 to 1 |
2 | Tuskegee University Tuskegee, AL Private, 4 years four-years | $23,440 | $24,224 | 1,125 | 31.4% | 2,846 | 57% | 12 to 1 |
3 | Jackson State University Jackson, MS Public, 4 years four-years | $9,795 | $9,795 | 960 | 91.0% | 6,564 | 32% | 15 to 1 |
4 | Alcorn State University Alcorn State, MS Public, 4 years four-years | $8,549 | $9,263 | 920 | 24.7% | 2,894 | 46% | 16 to 1 |
5 | University of the Virgin Islands Charlotte Amalie, VI Public, 4 years four-years | $15,521 | $14,708 | 910 | 97.4% | 1,739 | 29% | 10 to 1 |
6 | Delaware State University Dover, DE Public, 4 years four-years | $20,250 | $14,976 | 970 | 61.7% | 5,828 | 39% | 18 to 1 |
7 | Grambling State University Grambling, LA Public, 4 years four-years | $16,706 | $16,439 | 970 | 23.7% | 5,114 | 32% | 25 to 1 |
8 | Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Tallahassee, FL Public, 4 years four-years | $17,725 | $24,669 | 1,090 | 21.1% | 9,265 | 52% | 14 to 1 |
9 | Southern University and A & M College Baton Rouge, LA Public, 4 years four-years | $17,192 | $17,104 | 890 | 49.9% | 8,249 | 28% | 21 to 1 |
10 | Xavier University of Louisiana New Orleans, LA Private, 4 years four-years | $27,868 | $19,342 | 1,050 | 74.5% | 3,181 | 50% | 11 to 1 |
11 | Howard University Washington, DC Private, 4 years four-years | $33,344 | $38,050 | 1,200 | 34.9% | 13,416 | 69% | 11 to 1 |
12 | Savannah State University Savannah, GA Public, 4 years four-years | $16,219 | $18,852 | - | - | 3,078 | 25% | 21 to 1 |
13 | Spelman College Atlanta, GA Private, 4 years four-years | $30,058 | - | 1,180 | 34.1% | 3,633 | 76% | 11 to 1 |
14 | Hampton University Hampton, VA Private, 4 years four-years | $29,162 | $13,134 | 1,078 | 48.3% | 3,649 | 56% | 15 to 1 |
15 | Mississippi Valley State University Itta Bena, MS Public, 4 years four-years | $7,912 | $8,285 | - | 51.2% | 2,196 | 22% | 13 to 1 |
16 | Bethune-Cookman University Daytona Beach, FL Private, 4 years four-years | $14,794 | $14,100 | 915 | 99.9% | 2,515 | 28% | 14 to 1 |
17 | Claflin University Orangeburg, SC Private, 4 years four-years | $17,046 | $10,912 | - | 72.6% | 1,835 | 49% | 13 to 1 |
18 | South Carolina State University Orangeburg, SC Public, 4 years four-years | $21,750 | $22,570 | - | 81.7% | 3,041 | 29% | 19 to 1 |
19 | North Carolina A & T State University Greensboro, NC Public, 4 years four-years | $20,408 | $20,903 | 1,080 | 46.2% | 13,885 | 55% | 20 to 1 |
20 | North Carolina Central University Durham, NC Public, 4 years four-years | $19,578 | $20,788 | 1,060 | 90.5% | 7,965 | 46% | 16 to 1 |
21 | Tennessee State University Nashville, TN Public, 4 years four-years | $22,284 | $23,516 | 985 | 92.6% | 8,198 | 33% | 13 to 1 |
22 | Philander Smith University Little Rock, AR Private, 4 years four-years | $13,014 | $21,600 | - | - | 866 | 32% | 12 to 1 |
23 | Johnson C Smith University Charlotte, NC Private, 4 years four-years | $20,480 | $19,612 | - | 42.9% | 1,102 | 34% | 11 to 1 |
24 | Norfolk State University Norfolk, VA Public, 4 years four-years | $21,412 | $25,482 | 980 | 87.5% | 6,045 | 33% | 18 to 1 |
25 | Fisk University Nashville, TN Private, 4 years four-years | $24,298 | $23,579 | 1,330 | 57.9% | 1,005 | 44% | 11 to 1 |
26 | Morgan State University Baltimore, MD Public, 4 years four-years | $21,331 | $17,883 | 980 | 83.0% | 9,808 | 42% | 17 to 1 |
27 | Clark Atlanta University Atlanta, GA Private, 4 years four-years | $26,446 | $21,156 | - | 64.6% | 4,135 | 48% | 16 to 1 |
28 | Paine College Augusta, GA Private, 4 years four-years | $14,596 | - | - | 83.4% | 344 | 22% | 11 to 1 |
29 | Elizabeth City State University Elizabeth City, NC Public, 4 years four-years | $7,412 | $18,849 | - | 70.5% | 2,165 | 48% | 17 to 1 |
30 | Alabama A & M University Normal, AL Public, 4 years four-years | $18,634 | $21,574 | 940 | 66.2% | 6,614 | 29% | 19 to 1 |
31 | Winston-Salem State University Winston-Salem, NC Public, 4 years four-years | $17,391 | $17,741 | 940 | 68.6% | 4,776 | 49% | 16 to 1 |
32 | Lincoln University Lincoln University, PA Public, 4 years four-years | $19,384 | $18,942 | 970 | 78.4% | 1,848 | 52% | 13 to 1 |
33 | Bowie State University Bowie, MD Public, 4 years four-years | $19,839 | $15,264 | 935 | 83.5% | 6,408 | 38% | 16 to 1 |
34 | Prairie View A & M University Prairie View, TX Public, 4 years four-years | $26,874 | $17,378 | 940 | 75.3% | 9,517 | 43% | 16 to 1 |
35 | Virginia State University Petersburg, VA Public, 4 years four-years | $22,006 | $24,154 | 910 | 89.1% | 5,190 | 41% | 13 to 1 |
36 | Fort Valley State University Fort Valley, GA Public, 4 years four-years | $16,114 | $17,836 | 820 | 62.8% | 2,763 | 45% | 18 to 1 |
37 | University of the District of Columbia Washington, DC Public, 4 years four-years | $13,004 | $18,608 | - | - | 3,855 | 26% | 6 to 1 |
38 | Southern University at New Orleans New Orleans, LA Public, 4 years four-years | $16,390 | $16,122 | - | 60.2% | 2,059 | 18% | 13 to 1 |
39 | Virginia Union University Richmond, VA Private, 4 years four-years | $14,880 | $15,174 | 860 | 97.7% | 1,662 | 41% | 22 to 1 |
40 | Langston University Langston, OK Public, 4 years four-years | $14,255 | $10,222 | - | - | 1,910 | 17% | 16 to 1 |
41 | Fayetteville State University Fayetteville, NC Public, 4 years four-years | $7,969 | $17,262 | 950 | 79.9% | 6,847 | 35% | 19 to 1 |
42 | Dillard University New Orleans, LA Private, 4 years four-years | $22,194 | $8,850 | 1,085 | 40.5% | 1,122 | 45% | 11 to 1 |
43 | Lincoln University Jefferson City, MO Public, 4 years four-years | $16,882 | $12,836 | - | - | 1,799 | 22% | 13 to 1 |
44 | West Virginia State University Institute, WV Public, 4 years four-years | $15,219 | $21,547 | 955 | 96.4% | 3,458 | 34% | 12 to 1 |
45 | Coppin State University Baltimore, MD Public, 4 years four-years | $13,789 | $14,058 | - | 49.6% | 2,101 | 26% | 10 to 1 |
46 | Tougaloo College Tougaloo, MS Private, 4 years four-years | $10,735 | $10,611 | - | 53.2% | 725 | 32% | 14 to 1 |
47 | Albany State University Albany, GA Public, 4 years four-years | $16,206 | $15,136 | - | - | 6,544 | 23% | 20 to 1 |
48 | Alabama State University Montgomery, AL Public, 4 years four-years | $19,576 | $17,752 | 966 | 95.6% | 3,870 | 30% | 16 to 1 |
49 | Texas Southern University Houston, TX Public, 4 years four-years | $20,397 | $15,728 | 900 | 93.4% | 8,469 | 20% | 16 to 1 |
50 | University of Maryland Eastern Shore Princess Anne, MD Public, 4 years four-years | $19,728 | $13,500 | - | 90.4% | 2,844 | 35% | 9 to 1 |
51 | Allen University Columbia, SC Private, 4 years four-years | $14,304 | $9,800 | - | 32.1% | 677 | 13% | 16 to 1 |
52 | Cheyney University of Pennsylvania Cheyney, PA Public, 4 years four-years | $18,870 | $20,286 | - | - | 724 | 16% | 15 to 1 |
53 | Stillman College Tuscaloosa, AL Private, 4 years four-years | $11,392 | - | - | 74.2% | 779 | 41% | 12 to 1 |
- | Gadsden State Community College Gadsden, AL Public, 2-4 years | $7,080 | - | - | - | 4,728 | 32% | 17 to 1 |
- | J. F. Drake State Community and Technical College Huntsville, AL Public, 2-4 years | $8,940 | - | - | - | 1,011 | 11% | 12 to 1 |
- | Lawson State Community College Birmingham, AL Public, 2-4 years | $8,790 | - | - | - | 3,153 | 26% | 16 to 1 |
- | Miles College Fairfield, AL Private, 4 years four-years | $12,714 | - | - | - | 1,151 | 26% | 12 to 1 |
- | Oakwood University Huntsville, AL Private, 4 years four-years | $21,838 | $14,516 | - | 50.5% | 1,319 | 49% | 10 to 1 |
- | Bishop State Community College Mobile, AL Public, 2-4 years | $9,090 | - | - | - | 3,568 | 23% | 18 to 1 |
- | Selma University Selma, AL Private, 4 years four-years | $4,800 | $4,800 | - | - | 60 | 24% | 3 to 1 |
- | Shelton State Community College Tuscaloosa, AL Public, 2-4 years | $8,877 | - | - | - | 4,536 | 21% | 17 to 1 |
- | Talladega College Talladega, AL Private, 4 years four-years | $15,650 | $17,753 | - | 99.3% | 837 | 65% | 19 to 1 |
- | H Councill Trenholm State Community College Montgomery, AL Public, 2-4 years | $8,700 | - | - | - | 1,907 | 17% | 16 to 1 |
- | Arkansas Baptist College Little Rock, AR Private, 4 years four-years | $8,760 | - | - | - | 373 | 8% | 15 to 1 |
- | University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Pine Bluff, AR Public, 4 years four-years | $17,029 | $16,351 | 965 | 57.5% | 2,100 | 40% | 13 to 1 |
- | Shorter College N Little Rock, AR Private, 2-4 years | $6,245 | - | - | - | 290 | 7% | 13 to 1 |
- | Edward Waters University Jacksonville, FL Private, 4 years four-years | $15,098 | $22,319 | - | 84.8% | 1,175 | 28% | 18 to 1 |
- | Florida Memorial University Miami Gardens, FL Private, 4 years four-years | $19,110 | $19,110 | - | 74.3% | 1,365 | 30% | 16 to 1 |
- | Interdenominational Theological Center Atlanta, GA Private, 4 years four-years | - | $16,272 | - | - | 61 | - | - |
- | Morehouse School of Medicine Atlanta, GA Private, 4 years four-years | - | $30,236 | - | - | 935 | - | - |
- | Kentucky State University Frankfort, KY Public, 4 years four-years | $13,260 | $11,034 | 910 | 92.6% | 1,689 | 27% | 14 to 1 |
- | Southern University at Shreveport Shreveport, LA Public, 2-4 years | $4,958 | - | - | - | 3,156 | 7% | 18 to 1 |
- | Coahoma Community College Clarksdale, MS Public, 2-4 years | $3,490 | - | - | - | 1,808 | 38% | 17 to 1 |
- | Rust College Holly Springs, MS Private, 4 years four-years | $13,840 | - | - | 34.7% | 429 | 27% | 11 to 1 |
- | Harris-Stowe State University Saint Louis, MO Public, 4 years four-years | $11,074 | - | - | - | 1,098 | 27% | 14 to 1 |
- | Bennett College Greensboro, NC Private, 4 years four-years | $19,140 | - | 890 | 33.6% | 195 | 21% | 7 to 1 |
- | Livingstone College Salisbury, NC Private, 4 years four-years | $18,296 | $12,439 | - | 74.1% | 814 | 27% | 13 to 1 |
- | Saint Augustine's University Raleigh, NC Private, 4 years four-years | $16,896 | $11,300 | - | 58.7% | 943 | 33% | 11 to 1 |
- | Shaw University Raleigh, NC Private, 4 years four-years | $17,272 | $13,188 | - | 30.5% | 962 | 20% | 11 to 1 |
- | Central State University Wilberforce, OH Public, 4 years four-years | $9,824 | $10,100 | - | 46.0% | 3,454 | 26% | 17 to 1 |
- | Wilberforce University Wilberforce, OH Private, 4 years four-years | $14,776 | $14,592 | - | 52.7% | 617 | 16% | 12 to 1 |
- | Benedict College Columbia, SC Private, 4 years four-years | $18,000 | $14,720 | 910 | 67.3% | 1,731 | 21% | 14 to 1 |
- | Clinton College Rock Hill, SC Private, 4 years four-years | $10,516 | - | - | - | 106 | 11% | 10 to 1 |
- | Denmark Technical College Denmark, SC Public, 2-4 years | $11,927 | - | - | - | 646 | 14% | 15 to 1 |
- | Morris College Sumter, SC Private, 4 years four-years | $16,224 | - | - | - | 421 | 20% | 10 to 1 |
- | Voorhees University Denmark, SC Private, 4 years four-years | $12,630 | $11,120 | - | - | 515 | 38% | 10 to 1 |
- | American Baptist College Nashville, TN Private, 4 years four-years | $12,474 | - | - | - | 48 | 33% | 5 to 1 |
- | Lane College Jackson, TN Private, 4 years four-years | $11,790 | - | - | - | 822 | 17% | 17 to 1 |
- | Le Moyne-Owen College Memphis, TN Private, 4 years four-years | $12,076 | - | - | 97.2% | 646 | 25% | 9 to 1 |
- | Meharry Medical College Nashville, TN Private, 4 years four-years | - | $33,648 | - | - | 1,083 | - | - |
- | Huston-Tillotson University Austin, TX Private, 4 years four-years | $14,703 | $28,230 | - | - | 1,029 | 36% | 16 to 1 |
- | Jarvis Christian University Hawkins, TX Private, 4 years four-years | $11,720 | $24,150 | - | - | 800 | 15% | 10 to 1 |
- | Paul Quinn College Dallas, TX Private, 4 years four-years | $13,498 | $18,357 | - | 33.8% | 602 | 38% | 20 to 1 |
- | St Philip's College San Antonio, TX Public, 2-4 years | $14,422 | - | - | - | 14,281 | 35% | 20 to 1 |
- | Southwestern Christian College Terrell, TX Private, 4 years four-years | $12,121 | - | - | - | 128 | 49% | 15 to 1 |
- | Texas College Tyler, TX Private, 4 years four-years | $10,108 | - | - | - | 644 | 11% | 23 to 1 |
- | Wiley University Marshall, TX Private, 4 years four-years | $12,500 | $12,306 | - | - | 636 | 20% | 18 to 1 |
- | Virginia University of Lynchburg Lynchburg, VA Private, 4 years four-years | $9,248 | $10,368 | - | - | 589 | 26% | 12 to 1 |
- | Bluefield State University Bluefield, WV Public, 4 years four-years | $17,560 | $18,544 | 975 | 87.2% | 1,270 | 35% | 17 to 1 |
- | Southern University Law Center Baton Rouge, LA Public, 4 years four-years | - | - | - | - | 843 | - | - |
- | Simmons College of Kentucky Louisville, KY Private, 4 years four-years | $16,398 | $13,150 | - | 98.2% | 389 | 34% | 8 to 1 |
- | University of the Virgin Islands-Albert A. Sheen St. Croix, VI Public, 4 years four-years | $15,521 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Average | $15,769 | $17,243 | 986 | 66.1% | 2,919 | 32% | 14 to 1 |