Pittsburgh Theological Seminary vs. Reformed Episcopal Seminary
Both Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and Theological Seminary of the Reformed Episcopal Church are Private, 4 years schools located in Pennsylvania. The following statements compare Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and Theological Seminary of the Reformed Episcopal Church with important academic statistics including tuition, test scores, and admission rate.
- Both schools are private.
- Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (223 students) is larger than Reformed Episcopal Seminary (28 students) with more enrolled students.
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Private, 4 years • Pittsburgh, PA #130 Faith-based Schools, #PA in Pennsylvania more rivalsOffered Degrees
Post-Graduate Certificate
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
-1 Undergraduate
223 Graduate
19 Online Students
Graduation Rate
Faculty & Staff
14 Faculties (full-time)
73 Staffs (full-time)
$92,406 Faculty Salary
$70,171 Staff Salary
Learning Opportunities
Evening College
Campus Living
Campus Housing Offered
-$6,345 annual charge
-91 capacity
Theological Seminary of the Reformed Episcopal Church
Private, 4 years • Blue Bell, PA #PA in Pennsylvania more rivalsOffered Degrees
Post-Graduate Certificate
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
-1 Undergraduate
28 Graduate
15 Online Students
Graduation Rate
Faculty & Staff
8 Faculties (full-time)
11 Staffs (full-time)
$32,429 Faculty Salary
$30,077 Staff Salary
Learning Opportunities
Campus Living
Campus Housing Offered
-$7,200 annual charge
-6 capacity
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More rivals of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
- vs. EDMC Central Administrative Office
- vs. Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Saints Cyril and Methodius
- vs. Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
- vs. Villanova University
- vs. Pennsylvania State University-Penn State DuBois
- vs. Peirce College
- vs. Gettysburg College
- vs. Wilson College
- vs. Waynesburg University
- vs. Won Institute of Graduate Studies
- vs. Allegheny College
- vs. Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
- vs. Alvernia University
- vs. Lincoln University
- vs. Millersville University of Pennsylvania
More rivals of Reformed Episcopal Seminary
- vs. Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary-Overbrook
- vs. Geneva College
- vs. Pennsylvania State University-Dickinson Law
- vs. Lehigh University
- vs. Won Institute of Graduate Studies
- vs. Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Wilkes-Barre
- vs. The Art Institutes of York-PA
- vs. Pennsylvania State University-College of Medicine
- vs. Gwynedd Mercy University
- vs. Muhlenberg College
- vs. Thomas Jefferson University
- vs. Lycoming College
- vs. Bryn Athyn College of the New Church
- vs. Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
- vs. Grove City College