The Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences vs. Sinclair CC
Both The Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences and Sinclair Community College are 4 years schools located in Ohio. The following statements compare The Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences and Sinclair Community College with important academic statistics including tuition, test scores, and admission rate.
- The Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences's tuition ($17,982) is more expensive than Sinclair CC ($8,316).
- The Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences's acceptance rate (50.18%) is lower than The Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences (50.18%).
- The Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences has higher yield (31.21%) than The Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences (31.21%).
- Both schools have same SAT scores of 910.
- Both schools have same students to faculty ratio of 15 to 1.
- Sinclair CC (17,591 students) is larger than The Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences (866 students) with more enrolled students.
- The Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences ($7,395) has higher amount of financial aid than Sinclair CC ($3,699).
- The Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences's graduation rate (53%) is higher than Sinclair CC (30%).
The Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Private, 4 years • Cincinnati, OH #OH in Ohio more rivalsOffered Degrees
Certificate Programs
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
910 SAT
18 ACT
50.18% Acceptance Rate
31.21% Yield
866 (All undergraduate)
138 Online Students
Graduation Rate
53% Graduation Rate
68% Retention Rate
Faculty & Staff
15 to 1 Students to Faculty
43 Faculties (full-time)
74 Staffs (full-time)
$60,910 Faculty Salary
$75,563 Staff Salary
Learning Opportunities
Evening College
Campus Living
Sinclair Community College
Public, 4 years • Dayton, OH Best Community Colleges in OH, #OH in Ohio more rivalsOffered Degrees
Certificate Programs
Tuition & Fees
$4,569 In-State
$8,316 out-of-state
$8,316 out-of-state
Financial Aid
Test Scores
17,591 (All undergraduate)
6,454 Online Students
Graduation Rate
30% Graduation Rate
23% Transfer-out Rate
73% Retention Rate
Faculty & Staff
15 to 1 Students to Faculty
320 Faculties (full-time)
893 Staffs (full-time)
$72,167 Faculty Salary
$65,838 Staff Salary
Learning Opportunities
Campus Living
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- vs. Kent State University at Salem
- vs. Bryant & Stratton College-Cleveland
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More rivals of Sinclair CC
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- vs. Allegheny Wesleyan College
- vs. Bowling Green State University-Firelands
- vs. Cincinnati Christian University
- vs. Ohio Northern University
- vs. Bryant & Stratton College-Parma
- vs. Bryant & Stratton College-Solon
- vs. Oberlin College
- vs. Valor Christian College
- vs. Defiance College