Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts vs. The Art Institute of St Louis
Both Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts and The Art Institute of St Louis are Private, 4 years schools located in Missouri. The following statements compare Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts and The Art Institute of St Louis with important academic statistics including tuition, test scores, and admission rate.
- Both schools are private.
- The Art Institute of St Louis's tuition ($13,774) is more expensive than Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts ($12,968).
- Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts's acceptance rate (71.43%) is lower than Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts (71.43%).
- Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts has higher yield (100.00%) than Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts (100.00%).
- Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts's students to faculty ratio (6 to 1) is lower than The Art Institute of St Louis (11 to 1).
- The Art Institute of St Louis (158 students) is larger than Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts (88 students) with more enrolled students.
- Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts ($4,799) has higher amount of financial aid than Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts ($4,799).
- Both schools have same graduation rate of 80%.
Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts
Private, 4 years • Saint Louis, MO #MO in Missouri more rivalsOffered Degrees
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
71.43% Acceptance Rate
100.00% Yield
88 (All undergraduate)
Graduation Rate
80% Graduation Rate
20% Transfer-out Rate
Faculty & Staff
6 to 1 Students to Faculty
4 Faculties (full-time)
12 Staffs (full-time)
$49,442 Faculty Salary
$48,473 Staff Salary
Learning Opportunities
Evening College
Campus Living
Offered Degrees
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
Graduation Rate
Faculty & Staff
11 to 1 Students to Faculty
1 Faculties (full-time)
Learning Opportunities
Campus Living
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- vs. Columbia College - Fort Leonard Wood
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More rivals of The Art Institute of St Louis
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- vs. Missouri Baptist University
- vs. Columbia College - Waynesville
- vs. Missouri University of Science and Technology
- vs. Hickey College
- vs. Stephens College
- vs. A T Still University of Health Sciences
- vs. Chamberlain University-Missouri
- vs. Avila University
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