Comparison of Sage School of Massage & Esthetics and similar colleges
Sage School of Massage & Esthetics is a Private, Less than 2 years school located in Bend, OR. This page compares Sage School of Massage & Esthetics to 6 similar colleges that have similar vocational programs that Sage School of Massage & Esthetics offers.
Comparison of Sage School of Massage & Esthetics and Similar Schools
The following table compares Sage School of Massage & Esthetics to 6 similar colleges with important academic statistics. Those schools have similar vocational programs and located in Oregon, the state where Sage School of Massage & Esthetics is located.
College Name | Tuition & Fees | Financial Aid | Population | Number of Programs | Students to Faculty Ratio |
Sage School of Massage & Esthetics Bend, OR Private, Less than 2 years | $13,999 | $3,736 | 22 | 2 | 6 to 1 |
East West College of the Healing Arts Portland, OR Private, Less than 2 years | $17,060 | $3,437 | 196 | 1 | 9 to 1 |
Carrington College-Portland Portland, OR Private, Less than 2 years | $19,146 | $4,179 | 285 | 6 | 36 to 1 |
Beau Monde Academy of Barbering and Cosmetology Portland, OR Private, Less than 2 years | $19,173 | $5,725 | 84 | 5 | 17 to 1 |
Christian Culinary Academy Cannon Beach, OR Private, Less than 2 years | $15,704 | $2,750 | 10 | 1 | 10 to 1 |
Johnny Matthew's Hairdressing Training School Salem, OR Private, Less than 2 years | $11,200 | $4,657 | 66 | 2 | 22 to 1 |
Premiere Aesthetics Institute Bend, OR Private, Less than 2 years | $11,404 | $3,254 | 45 | 1 | 10 to 1 |