Comparison of Navarro College and Similar Schools

The following table compares Navarro College to 8 similar colleges with important academic statistics. Those schools are ranked similarly to Navarro College in college rankings.
College NameTuition & FeesFinancial AidPopulationAcceptance RateSAT ScoreNumber of ProgramsStudents to Faculty Ratio
Navarro College
Corsicana, TX
Public, 4 years
$6,578$7,2136,549--7420 to 1
Amarillo College
Amarillo, TX
Public, 2-4 years
$4,704$4,0599,215--9127 to 1
Cisco College
Cisco, TX
Public, 2-4 years
$5,760$4,3343,001--4315 to 1
Trinity Valley Community College
Athens, TX
Public, 4 years
$5,970$5,4475,300--5316 to 1
Temple College
Temple, TX
Public, 2-4 years
$6,696$4,4464,732--7914 to 1
Vernon College
Vernon, TX
Public, 2-4 years
$6,480$4,6252,136--4412 to 1
Victoria College
Victoria, TX
Public, 2-4 years
$5,256$3,5953,214--2114 to 1
Weatherford College
Weatherford, TX
Public, 4 years
$9,630$6,3815,440--6015 to 1
Southwest College for the Deaf
Big Spring, TX
Public, 2-4 years
$14,406$9,53447--207 to 1