Comparison of Johnny Matthew's Hairdressing Training School and similar colleges
Johnny Matthew's Hairdressing Training School is a Private, Less than 2 years school located in Salem, OR. This page compares Johnny Matthew's Hairdressing Training School to 5 similar colleges that have similar vocational programs that Johnny Matthew's Hairdressing Training School offers.
Comparison of Johnny Matthew's Hairdressing Training School and Similar Schools
The following table compares Johnny Matthew's Hairdressing Training School to 5 similar colleges with important academic statistics. Those schools have similar vocational programs and located in Oregon, the state where Johnny Matthew's Hairdressing Training School is located.
College Name | Tuition & Fees | Financial Aid | Population | Number of Programs | Students to Faculty Ratio |
Johnny Matthew's Hairdressing Training School Salem, OR Private, Less than 2 years | $11,200 | $4,657 | 66 | 2 | 22 to 1 |
East West College of the Healing Arts Portland, OR Private, Less than 2 years | $17,060 | $3,437 | 196 | 1 | 9 to 1 |
Sage School of Massage & Esthetics Bend, OR Private, Less than 2 years | $13,999 | $3,736 | 22 | 2 | 6 to 1 |
Beau Monde Academy of Barbering and Cosmetology Portland, OR Private, Less than 2 years | $19,173 | $5,725 | 84 | 5 | 17 to 1 |
Christian Culinary Academy Cannon Beach, OR Private, Less than 2 years | $15,704 | $2,750 | 10 | 1 | 10 to 1 |
Premiere Aesthetics Institute Bend, OR Private, Less than 2 years | $11,404 | $3,254 | 45 | 1 | 10 to 1 |