Comparison of Capitol Beauty School and Similar Schools

The following table compares Capitol Beauty School to 4 similar colleges with important academic statistics. Those schools have similar vocational programs and located in Nebraska, the state where Capitol Beauty School is located.
College NameTuition & FeesFinancial AidPopulationNumber of ProgramsStudents to Faculty Ratio
Capitol Beauty School
Omaha, NE
Private, 2-4 years
$18,100$6,487167315 to 1
Joseph's College Cosmetology
Lincoln, NE
Private, 2-4 years
$18,800$6,4139819 to 1
Stephanie Moss Academy
Omaha, NE
Private, 2-4 years
$17,750$4,937220416 to 1
College of Hair Design-East Campus
Lincoln, NE
Private, 2-4 years
$21,916$5,49711628 to 1
Entourage Institute of Beauty and Esthetics
Lincoln, NE
Private, 2-4 years
$18,050$6,54249420 to 1