Mount Sinai Phillips School of Nursing vs. Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical
Both Mount Sinai Phillips School of Nursing and Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical College are Private, 4 years schools located in New York. The following statements compare Mount Sinai Phillips School of Nursing and Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical College with important academic statistics including tuition, test scores, and admission rate.
- Both schools are private.
- Mount Sinai Phillips School of Nursing's tuition ($45,538) is more expensive than Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical ($13,500).
- Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical's acceptance rate (95.00%) is lower than Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical (95.00%).
- Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical has higher yield (65.79%) than Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical (65.79%).
- Mount Sinai Phillips School of Nursing's students to faculty ratio (8 to 1) is lower than Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical (14 to 1).
- Mount Sinai Phillips School of Nursing (329 students) is larger than Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical (142 students) with more enrolled students.
- Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical ($12,988) has higher amount of financial aid than Mount Sinai Phillips School of Nursing ($5,148).
- Mount Sinai Phillips School of Nursing's graduation rate (100%) is higher than Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical (14%).
Offered Degrees
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
329 (All undergraduate)
Graduation Rate
100% Graduation Rate
Faculty & Staff
8 to 1 Students to Faculty
6 Faculties (full-time)
16 Staffs (full-time)
$78,269 Faculty Salary
$75,585 Staff Salary
Learning Opportunities
Evening College
Campus Living
Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical College
Private, 4 years • Brooklyn, NY #236 Faith-based Schools, #NY in New York more rivalsOffered Degrees
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
95.00% Acceptance Rate
65.79% Yield
142 (All undergraduate)
Graduation Rate
14% Graduation Rate
62% Transfer-out Rate
77% Retention Rate
Faculty & Staff
14 to 1 Students to Faculty
8 Faculties (full-time)
13 Staffs (full-time)
$44,306 Faculty Salary
$39,934 Staff Salary
Learning Opportunities
Campus Living
Campus Housing Offered
-40 capacity
Board/Meal Plan Offered
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