Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope vs. Columbia College - Los Alamitos
Both Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope and Columbia College - Los Alamitos are Private, 4 years schools located in California. The following statements compare Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope and Columbia College - Los Alamitos with important academic statistics including tuition, test scores, and admission rate.
- Both schools are private.
- Columbia College - Los Alamitos's tuition ($8,304) is more expensive than Columbia College - Los Alamitos ($8,304).
- Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope (95 students) is larger than Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope (95 students) with more enrolled students.
Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope
Private, 4 years • Duarte, CA #CA in California more rivalsOffered Degrees
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
0 Undergraduate
95 Graduate
Graduation Rate
Faculty & Staff
Learning Opportunities
Campus Living
Offered Degrees
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
Graduation Rate
Faculty & Staff
Learning Opportunities
Campus Living
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More rivals of Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope
- vs. California State University-Sacramento
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- vs. University of San Francisco
- vs. Pacific College
- vs. Azusa Pacific University
- vs. University of West Los Angeles
- vs. Phillips Graduate University
- vs. California Christian College
- vs. Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad West Coast Talmudical Seminary
- vs. Claremont Lincoln University
- vs. Reiss-Davis Graduate School
- vs. American Medical Sciences Center
- vs. Southwestern Law School
- vs. Alliant International University-San Diego
More rivals of Columbia College - Los Alamitos
- vs. Homestead Schools
- vs. Pacific College
- vs. University of California-San Francisco
- vs. Golden Gate University
- vs. San Diego Global Knowledge University
- vs. Abraham Lincoln University
- vs. Rio Hondo College
- vs. University of San Diego
- vs. Argosy University-The Art Institute of California-Hollywood
- vs. Trinity School of Health and Allied Sciences
- vs. California Institute of the Arts
- vs. Bethesda University
- vs. Foothill College
- vs. ATI College-Whittier
- vs. California Institute of Integral Studies