Florida Coastal School of Law vs. Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine
Both Florida Coastal School of Law and Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine are 4 years schools located in Florida. The following statements compare Florida Coastal School of Law and Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine with important academic statistics including tuition, test scores, and admission rate.
- Both schools are private.
- Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine's tuition ($18,495) is more expensive than Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine ($18,495).
- Both schools have same students to faculty ratio of 15 to 1.
- Florida Coastal School of Law (194 students) is larger than Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine (145 students) with more enrolled students.
Offered Degrees
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
0 Undergraduate
194 Graduate
194 Online Students (All Students Enrolled Online)
Graduation Rate
Faculty & Staff
8 Faculties (full-time)
20 Staffs (full-time)
$73,124 Faculty Salary
$72,375 Staff Salary
Learning Opportunities
Campus Living
Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine
Private, 4 years • Fort Lauderdale, FL #FL in Florida more rivalsOffered Degrees
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
1 Undergraduate
144 Graduate
Graduation Rate
Faculty & Staff
15 to 1 Students to Faculty
6 Faculties (full-time)
16 Staffs (full-time)
$47,750 Faculty Salary
$68,506 Staff Salary
Learning Opportunities
Campus Living
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More rivals of Florida Coastal School of Law
- vs. Keiser University-Port St Lucie
- vs. ITT Technical Institute-Tampa
- vs. Saint Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary
- vs. ITT Technical Institute-St Petersburg
- vs. Everest University-Jacksonville
- vs. Florida Southern College
- vs. Trinity International University-Florida
- vs. South Florida State College
- vs. Columbia College - Tavares PD
- vs. Saint Johns River State College
- vs. Northwest Florida State College
- vs. Everest University-Brandon
- vs. Academy for Five Element Acupuncture
- vs. ECPI University - Orlando
- vs. Yeshivah Gedolah Rabbinical College
More rivals of Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine
- vs. United International College
- vs. Florida College
- vs. Keiser University-Ft Lauderdale
- vs. Trinity Baptist College
- vs. Florida SouthWestern State College
- vs. Florida Academy of Nursing
- vs. Galen Health Institutes-Sarasota
- vs. Keiser University - Residential (Flagship)
- vs. Florida National University Training Center
- vs. Full Sail University
- vs. Flagler College
- vs. Miami Dade College
- vs. Indian River State College
- vs. Arizona College of Nursing-Tampa
- vs. Keiser University-Orlando