CHC vs. Pittsburgh Technical
Both Chestnut Hill College and Pittsburgh Technical College are Private, 4 years schools located in Pennsylvania. The following statements compare Chestnut Hill College and Pittsburgh Technical College with important academic statistics including tuition, test scores, and admission rate.
- Both schools are private.
- CHC's tuition ($39,410) is more expensive than Pittsburgh Technical ($18,980).
- CHC's acceptance rate (79.13%) is lower than CHC (79.13%).
- CHC has higher yield (8.79%) than CHC (8.79%).
- CHC's students to faculty ratio (10 to 1) is lower than Pittsburgh Technical (13 to 1).
- CHC (1,420 students) is larger than Pittsburgh Technical (1,066 students) with more enrolled students.
- CHC ($24,096) has higher amount of financial aid than Pittsburgh Technical ($7,748).
- CHC's graduation rate (62%) is higher than Pittsburgh Technical (53%).
Offered Degrees
Certificate Programs
Post-Graduate Certificate
Post-Graduate Certificate
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
79.13% Acceptance Rate
8.79% Yield
989 Undergraduate
431 Graduate
133 Online Students
Graduation Rate
62% Graduation Rate
24% Transfer-out Rate
67% Retention Rate
Faculty & Staff
10 to 1 Students to Faculty
66 Faculties (full-time)
185 Staffs (full-time)
$54,934 Faculty Salary
$64,095 Staff Salary
Learning Opportunities
Study Abroad
Evening College
Teacher Certificate
Evening College
Teacher Certificate
Campus Living
Campus Housing Offered
-478 capacity
Board/Meal Plan Offered
Offered Degrees
Certificate Programs
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
1,066 (All undergraduate)
188 Online Students
Graduation Rate
53% Graduation Rate
10% Transfer-out Rate
75% Retention Rate
Faculty & Staff
13 to 1 Students to Faculty
65 Faculties (full-time)
209 Staffs (full-time)
$48,023 Faculty Salary
$63,924 Staff Salary
Learning Opportunities
Evening College
Campus Living
Campus Housing Offered
-$7,350 annual charge
-484 capacity
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More rivals of CHC
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- vs. North Dakota State University-Main Campus
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More rivals of Pittsburgh Technical
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- vs. Gettysburg College
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- vs. Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona
- vs. Franklin and Marshall College
- vs. Bryn Athyn College of the New Church
- vs. Keystone College
- vs. Strayer University-Pennsylvania
- vs. West Chester University of Pennsylvania
- vs. Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry
- vs. Westminster Theological Seminary
- vs. Clarion University of Pennsylvania
- vs. Elizabethtown College School of Continuing and Professional Studies
- vs. Pennsylvania State University-Dickinson Law