Art Center College of Design vs. Design Institute of San Diego
Both Art Center College of Design and Design Institute of San Diego are 4 years schools located in California. The following statements compare Art Center College of Design and Design Institute of San Diego with important academic statistics including tuition, test scores, and admission rate.
- Both schools are private.
- Art Center College of Design's tuition ($51,640) is more expensive than Design Institute of San Diego ($29,350).
- Art Center College of Design's acceptance rate (74.98%) is lower than Design Institute of San Diego (87.50%).
- Art Center College of Design has higher yield (32.07%) than Design Institute of San Diego (28.57%).
- Design Institute of San Diego's students to faculty ratio (7 to 1) is lower than Art Center College of Design (8 to 1).
- Art Center College of Design (2,420 students) is larger than Design Institute of San Diego (101 students) with more enrolled students.
- Art Center College of Design ($15,773) has higher amount of financial aid than Design Institute of San Diego ($6,360).
- Both schools have same graduation rate of 75%.
Art Center College of Design
Private, 4 years • Pasadena, CA #9 Arts, Music, Design Schools, #CA in California more rivalsOffered Degrees
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
74.98% Acceptance Rate
32.07% Yield
2,135 Undergraduate
285 Graduate
99 Online Students
Graduation Rate
75% Graduation Rate
86% Retention Rate
Faculty & Staff
8 to 1 Students to Faculty
128 Faculties (full-time)
435 Staffs (full-time)
$71,478 Faculty Salary
$82,367 Staff Salary
Learning Opportunities
Study Abroad
Campus Living
Design Institute of San Diego
Private, 4 years • San Diego, CA #8 Arts, Music, Design Schools, #CA in California more rivalsOffered Degrees
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
87.50% Acceptance Rate
28.57% Yield
90 Undergraduate
11 Graduate
5 Online Students
Graduation Rate
75% Graduation Rate
33% Retention Rate
Faculty & Staff
7 to 1 Students to Faculty
2 Faculties (full-time)
13 Staffs (full-time)
$59,500 Faculty Salary
$91,667 Staff Salary
Learning Opportunities
Evening College
Campus Living
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- vs. InterCoast Colleges-West Covina
- vs. Western Seminary-Sacramento
- vs. San Diego Community College District-District Office
More rivals of Design Institute of San Diego
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- vs. Bethel Seminary-San Diego
- vs. California State University-San Marcos
- vs. Minerva University
- vs. Presbyterian Theological Seminary in America
- vs. Argosy University-The Art Institute of California-Inland Empire
- vs. St John's Seminary
- vs. San Francisco Bay University
- vs. Argosy University-The Art Institute of California-San Diego
- vs. Argosy University-The Art Institute of California-Hollywood