Alverno vs. Wisconsin-Parkside Flex
Both Alverno College and University of Wisconsin-Parkside Flex are 4 years schools located in Wisconsin. The following statements compare Alverno College and University of Wisconsin-Parkside Flex with important academic statistics including tuition, test scores, and admission rate.
- Alverno's tuition ($32,794) is more expensive than Wisconsin-Parkside Flex ($6,750).
- Alverno's acceptance rate (93.10%) is lower than Alverno (93.10%).
- Alverno has higher yield (24.15%) than Alverno (24.15%).
- Alverno's students to faculty ratio (8 to 1) is lower than Wisconsin-Parkside Flex (19 to 1).
- Alverno (1,596 students) is larger than Wisconsin-Parkside Flex (146 students) with more enrolled students.
- Alverno ($18,734) has higher amount of financial aid than Wisconsin-Parkside Flex ($1,906).
- Both schools have same graduation rate of 52%.
Offered Degrees
Post-Graduate Certificate
Post-Graduate Certificate
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
93.10% Acceptance Rate
24.15% Yield
788 Undergraduate
808 Graduate
310 Online Students
Graduation Rate
52% Graduation Rate
72% Retention Rate
Faculty & Staff
8 to 1 Students to Faculty
92 Faculties (full-time)
279 Staffs (full-time)
$54,225 Faculty Salary
$53,579 Staff Salary
Learning Opportunities
Study Abroad
Evening College
Teacher Certificate
Study Abroad
Evening College
Teacher Certificate
Campus Living
Campus Housing Offered
-$4,000 annual charge
-264 capacity
Offered Degrees
Certificate Programs
Tuition & Fees
Financial Aid
Test Scores
146 (All undergraduate)
146 Online Students (All Students Enrolled Online)
Graduation Rate
Faculty & Staff
19 to 1 Students to Faculty
Learning Opportunities
Campus Living
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More rivals of Wisconsin-Parkside Flex
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