Lowest Students to Faculty Ratio Rankings
The student to faculty ratio is the number of students who attend a school divided by the number of teachers in the institution.
It is an important factor to evaluate colleges because the low student to faculty ratio tends to lead the smaller class sizes and giving more one-to-one learning Opportunities to students in classroom. Higher student to faculty ratio means that an instructor (professor) has more students to take care and the individual class size may be larger. In general, top ranked and well-known colleges have low level of students to faculty ratio and try to keep the ratio low.
University of Pittsburgh-Titusville has the lowest number of students per faculty (2 to 1) and Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health has the second lowest number of students (3) based on academic year 2022-2023 college academci data.Below table ranks and compares the Lowest Students to Faculty Ratio having lowest students to faculty ratio.Lowest Students to Faculty Ratio
Rank | College Name | In-State Tuition & Fees | Out-of-State Tuition & Fees | Student Population | Online Student Population | Graduation Rate | Number of Programs Offered | Financial Aid Amount | Students to Faculty Ratio |
1 | University of Pittsburgh-Titusville Titusville, PA | $11,918 | $22,210 | 23 | - | 13% | 1 | $11,970 | 2 to 1 |
2 | Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health Los Angeles, CA | $5,050 | $5,050 | 195 | - | - | 3 | $2,998 | 3 to 1 |
3 | Northern Pennsylvania Regional College Warren, PA | $4,800 | $8,880 | 74 | - | - | 7 | $2,421 | 3 to 1 |
4 | Hillyard Technical Center Saint Joseph, MO | $12,630 | $12,630 | 90 | - | - | - | - | 4 to 1 |
5 | Pamlico Community College Grantsboro, NC | $1,867 | $6,475 | 329 | 204 | 18% | 40 | $2,928 | 4 to 1 |
6 | Rolla Technical Institute/Center Rolla, MO | $10,836 | $10,836 | 46 | - | 69% | 12 | $11,106 | 5 to 1 |
7 | Montgomery Community College Troy, NC | $2,538 | $8,682 | 702 | 170 | 34% | 63 | $5,344 | 5 to 1 |
8 | Northwood Technical College Rice Lake, WI | $4,524 | $6,583 | 2,677 | 659 | 60% | 91 | $5,515 | 5 to 1 |
9 | Instituto Tecnologico de Puerto Rico-Recinto de Manati Manati, PR | $1,600 | $1,600 | 452 | - | 54% | 11 | $2,510 | 5 to 1 |
10 | Suncoast Technical College Sarasota, FL | $6,644 | $6,644 | 1,138 | - | 50% | 40 | $4,082 | 6 to 1 |
Average | $4,940 | $8,609 | 4,419,768 | 1,400,727 | 35% | - | $4,747 | 17 to 1 |